Chapter 24: Save Me

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This chapter gets kinda deep because there's different talks of religion as well as mention of drug use. More character development and building. A little angsty.
All of your comments make my day and keep me motivated!
Enjoy 💫

Oprah's POV

"So, let's discuss more about what you've found out about regarding Fantasia and this affair?" I lean my elbows on the table and my ears perk up.

"Yes ma'am. But if we could please keep this between us for now, until I confront Fantasia about all of this? That's what I came here to do today." Derek declares.

"Sure. Of course. Go right ahead." I gesture for him to begin speaking.

"Well, like I'd mentioned...I found out some information by accident. Lastnight, Fantasia's phone was buzzing crazy while we were watching a movie. So, I looked at the screen when she was in the bathroom. I saw these messages from someone named T-Baby ❤️."

Derek hands me the phone and I read the texts. My eyes widen.

"I had no idea who this was, at the time."
He continues.

"But then I figured, I'd ask her friends if they knew anything about this or what it could be about. I met up with Taraji today, to talk about it...And she..confessed." He stops abruptly.

I narrow my eyes at him. I can sense he's withholding some information.
His body language has shifted.

"Confessed to...what exactly?" I tilt my head.

"She confessed to her and Fantasia dealing with one another...or um, I guess dating." He murmurs.

"Taraji? She willingly just confessed to you? No rebuttal?" I question in surprise.

"Nope...She was..very open about it. Very honest." Derek scratches his head.

I wanted to jump out my seat and clap my hands, but I remained calm. Information always has an interesting way of finding me. Although I didn't obtain what I needed to with Danielle, out of seemingly thin air, here is Derek. Another source of confirmation that I can utilize to build my case.

A sly smile spread across my lips. Derek's forehead creases.

"I mean no disrespect, Ms.Oprah, but why are you smiling?"

"Well, you see Derek. I've had my suspicions about Taraji and Fantasia for a few weeks now. Maybe even the last several months. They just were oddly close, and at first I disregarded it.
But, we had a dinner last week and I saw them sharing an intimate moment outside of Fantasia's vehicle. That is when I knew, I had to put a stop to it for the sake of this production. This would appear extremely unprofessional if it became public knowledge. I didn't have any proof and I was having a difficult time obtaining it. Now, here you are! This was the evidence I needed."
I celebrate.

Derek lifted an eyebrow. "Hm. An intimate moment like what, kissing?"

"Mhmmm." Oprah nods.

I suck my teeth. "So this has been going on for longer than I thought, huh? Well, I don't believe in coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. I believe there was a reason you and I had this conversation today. I'm willing to help you do whatever it takes to put this to an end. Derek complies. "What do you need from me?"

"I need to get both of them to sign an NDA form. This relationship must remain confidential. Truthfully, I'd prefer it to be null in void, if possible. I'll try and work something out with my lawyers. You work on Fantasia, and I'll get Taraji to sign. I'll email the copy to you within the next few days with all of the stipulations and agreements."

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