Chapter 18: Never A Right Time

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Taraji's POV

As the remainder of the night went on, the conversation oddly enough became less about The Color Purple or Oprah and just about us enjoying each others company. We laughed, talked, cried and jammed out to some of the old school music they started playing in the restaurant.

It was just what we all needed honestly...

Because, everything has seemed to do a 180 in such a short amount of time.

How did I go from playing Shug on screen to basically becoming Shug in my real life?
And Oprah becoming a real life villain?
If somebody would've told me a year ago things would be this way, I would've looked them dead in the eyes and told em' they was crazier than a dog in a cat factory.

As of now, Danielle still has the microphone, but she's managed to stall over the weekend because we got a few days off from filming.

She been ignoring Oprah's calls/texts and saying she hasn't been able to catch anything. We gone have to do something bout her soon since she won't stop pestering the poor girl...

And as far and me and Fantasia...ahhh...
I've been in bliss. We been spending most of our free time together when we can.
Talking on the phone, going to lunch.
I'm feeling like a school girl in love again.
The biggest issue is breaking things off with our guys. Michael ain't shit so, I don't feel bad cutting him off. Fantasia on the other hand, cares for this Derek. I know she does...
I'm just gonna have to be patient with her like she been with me.

Fantasia's POV

Sunday nights have always been movie night for me & Derek, I haven't seen him the rest of this week because I've been with Taraji.

This Sunday felt different for a few obvious reasons.

My mind has been occupied with Taraji and now unfortunately, Oprah. I feel myself slowly becoming more paranoid and anxious about getting caught or worse, my job being affected.
I knew what I was getting myself into by leaning into this connection, but it's becoming something that's impossible to ignore, nor do I want to.
This gotta be fate.

I don't wanna let either of them go. Derek is my comfort zone. He's traditional and he treats me good. This relationship is what is expected of me from my friends, family, and the public.

But, Taraji is like my shooting star.
Rare, lucky, but out of reach.

If I choose to be with her, my whole world and everything I've ever known and have gotten used to changes.
For better or for worse?
Only time will tell...I'll have to ride this out until I have no other choice to make.
The longer I wait, the harder this is gonna be.


"So what you wanna watch tonight, babe?" Derek places the popcorn down in front me on the coffee table. My mind flashes back to Taraji's illuminating voice saying "Only I can call you that!"

I hold back a smile. I feel bad that I no longer experience the same excitement I once did behind hearing "babe" from Derek or from our dates.

I shrug my shoulders. "Hmmm. I don't know. You pick this time." I reply nonchalantly.

Hopefully it's something long, so I can just go straight to bed afterwards. 

"Okay, so how bout a scary movie? If you get scared I can hold you & protect you. I feel like you barely wanna cuddle with me these days.."
He let's out a soft chuckle.

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