Chapter 10: Secret #2

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I appreciate all of your patience as we're building up to something really special. I know many of you probably wanna see Taraji and Fantasia get TOGETHER, but I've always been a slow burn type of writer. It'll be worth the wait, I promise. 😘😌

Fantasia's POV

This night has gone to hell in a hand basket.
The whole day was actually awful.
A couple of the other cast members have been trying to mediate Oprah and Taraji's conversation turned argument, & it's not
working too well.

"No! No. I said it's not okay. And where the hell is my wine?" Taraji growls in annoyance.

I reach for the water. "Uh uh. No wine. Water."
I push the glass towards her gently and to my suprise, she actually drinks it. Gulps it down, in fact. I knew she was thirsty.

She slams her glass down hard on the wooden table. I'm suprised it doesn't shatter.

"It seems as though we're going to just have to agree to disagree for now hmm? Let's get some food in our systems & revisit this shortly." Oprah tries to shift the conservation.

"Fine. I gotta pee again anyway." Taraji slides her chair back & stomps off. I fill my mouth with bread to avoid conversing. I feel beady eyes on me & I look up slowly.

With my mouth full. I sigh. "Why yall looking at me?"

" & Taraji are the closest. What's going on with her tonight? Yea, she usually outspoken, but this ain't like her..." Danielle asks with downturned lips.

Where do I even begin? The kiss? Her meltdown this morning? Her no good baby daddy? So much has taken place in a short amount of time & she's been holding it all in..I don't blame her for any of it but she's still my friend & I'll hold her accountable.
I'll have a talk with her tomorrow.

"She's going through a lot right now. I don't really wanna put her business out there.
But, I'll talk to her. I make eye contact with the entire table.

"I'll talk to her." I repeat & nod my head.

"Did she drive herself here?" Oprah inquires as she rubs her chin.

"Uhm, no. I drove." I say making minimal eye contact with her.

"Well. Then I think you should take her home. It's clear she's been drinking & unstable at this time." Oprah says almost condescendingly.

I side eye her & screw my face up.

"She's not unstable. She's hurt. And she's just a little intoxicated, that's all." I defend.

"Right. Still. When she gets back, take her home. She needs to sleep it off." Oprah commands & seems to dismiss Taraji's grievances altogether.

I pull my brows together & bite the inside of my cheek from refrain from saying anything out of character.

We don't need no more problems this evening.

"Take who home???" Taraji's heel boots click back from around the corner. "Yeah I hear everything. I know y'all was talking about me." She glares directly at Oprah. "But I ain't leaving until I get my vegan lamb chops. Ain't that right Tasia?" Taraji cackles.

Oprah raises an eyebrow at me & I shrug.
I really hate being put on the spot.

"Taraji...we might be best if we just go home & start fresh tomorrow..."

Taraji's forehead wrinkles & her rigid expression yet blank expression lets me know she's disappointed. She's sways slightly then grabs the back of the chair to keep her balance.

"Hm. I see. She shakes her head. Well, I guess I'll just order my food to go then huh? Since all y'all so perfect right?" Taraji becomes defensive. That's fine. I don't need none of you." She begins to point down the table. "I don't need you, I don't need you, I definitely don't need you, I don't-

She pauses at me and sorrow washes over me.

"My sweet Fantasia..." she swipes her thumb across my chin and caresses my cheek. "Only one that got some damn sense around here." She examines the table and makes eye contact with Danielle and shoots her a wink. "Love you boo."

She sneers at everyone else.

I can't keep up with her mood changes.

"I'll be waiting up at the front when you ready. Tell Alex to box up my food to go please. I've suddenly lost my appetite." She throws down $200 on the table & walks off for about the 3rd time tonight.


While Taraji lingers at the front of the restaurant, possibly at the bar again, the conversation falls flat. We have some small talk, a couple jokes & questions, but I just try and get through my meal so I can go home and go to bed. Lawd have mercy. Today drained me.

We get our to go boxes and I get Taraji's food. We all walk out the private room together and say our goodbyes, except for Oprah that hangs back awhile to talk to some of the restaurant staff before they lock up. She gets stopped everywhere we go.

Taraji to my suprise is waiting for me on the bench outside, just scrolling on her phone.
I walk outside & stand over her.

She sets her phone in her lap & sighs before she looks up at me. I think she's sobered up a little.

"I'm sorry." She pouts. "Are you mad at me?"

I come around the bench to sit with her. "Nah, T. I ain't mad at you. Your feelings are always valid. But, the delivery of it tonight was a little blown out of proportion because you were drinking."

"I know, I-

"A lot." I add on.

Taraji frowns. "Ugh. I didn't even think I was drinking that much. You just gone have to tell me bout' it tomorrow because, I don't even know what's going on anymore. I'm still drunk Tasia." She groans as she lays her head on my shoulder.

"I know." I place a kiss on her forehead.

"Mm. I do remember one thing though...I remember how good you was looking at the bar & that you was supposed to meet me in the bathroom, but that old lady ruined it." Taraji grimaces & crosses her arms.

"I wasn't bout to do nothing with you in no restaurant bathroom. What kind of girl do you take me for?" I joked hoping Taraji would get the song reference.

"Promiscuous girllll, wherever you are."
We both let out some light laughs.

"Where is massah, I mean Misses Oprah anyway. I ain't seen her leave yet." Taraji purses her lips.

"I think she walked out before me, I don't know. You ready to go?" I stand up anyway & pull down my dress.

"Yeah let's get the hell up outta here." Taraji walks alongside me.

Oprah's POV

Alright you all! It was a pleasure, thank you so much for having us. Haha. So sorry for the disruption. You know how show business can be. Drama is just a part of the game. Goodnight!

I am the last one to leave the restaurant, at least so I believe. Tonight did not go at all how I intended it to. I'm going to have to have a firm talking to with Taraji because there's much to unpack & there's a questionable future with her regarding this film. This cannot happen again.

As I'm walking out I can spot two figures in the distance getting into a car. As I walk a bit closer, I can see it's Taraji & Fantasia. Either my eyes are playing tricks on me or it looks like they're about to get into the backseat.
Oh my...
Kissing..are they, kissing?
What in the world is happening.


Oprah done spotted them. Now what!? crazy just how fast the night changes right? The next chapter will be a bit longer as we're about to pivot into and get deeper into Fantasia & Taraji. 🫠 let's see where this goes..

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