Chapter 23: Cosbied

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Danielle's POV

"Okay, so let me make sure I got this correctly...Lastnight, Derek saw you and Taraji's text messages lastnight, allegedly. Today you called out of work, was gonna go shopping and you see Taraji car and location showing at the mall but she lied and said she wasn't there?" 
I scratch my head. "This is sooo much to keep up with! Honestly, it's all Oprah's fault. If she would've stayed outta grown folks business, it wouldn't have had this domino effect. I don't see how this could possibly get any crazier." I sighed.

"Please don't say that. I feel like you might jinx it." Fantasia squeezes her eyes together tightly and rubs her temples.

"Sorry, sorry. Did Taraji say how far away she was?" I ask.

Fantasia taps her phone screen to check the time.

"She should be here any minute now. But oh my goodness, what happened with Oprah? You never told us how things went, we were so worried about you. I wish we could've been there." Fantasia empathizes and places her hand on my knee.

I suck my teeth. "That old woman, I swear. She gone get what's coming to her. I will wait until Taraji gets here to explain what happened to both of y'all..." I sneer.

I don't think I'm going to tell them I got fired, at least not tonight. I can figure out a way to deal with Oprah later, I just need to be strategic.

"She's here." Fantasia announces. "Let's see what she talkin' bout." She sighs and I get up off the couch to go unlock the door for her to come in.

"Heyyyyy Ms.thang. Ooooh what you got on looking all sexy." I gushed. Taraji gets out of her car in an all black dress, black pumps and a clutch. 

She steps closer to me but as she gets closer, I notice she looks a little pale. "Where you was coming from all dressed up? And are you okay?" I express with concern as she walks in. I reach for her hand to help her up the steps.

"I have this excruciating migraine and I was on my way home to lay down but, I wanted to come over here and check on Fantasia, she texted that we needed to talk." Taraji wheezes.

I glance at Fantasia who is now rushing over once she sees Taraji appear physically unstable.

"I just need to sit down for a second." Taraji stumbles over to the couch and slouches into it. Fantasia comes and sits down beside her.

"Hey, T. What's going on?" Fantasia holds one of Taraji's hands.

"Tasia...I don't know. I feel dizzy and somewhat confused. I feel like I can't fully remember what I did the last few hours. I barely remember driving over here. I might be dehydrated." Taraji pants.

I hurry to the fridge and get her a water bottle. "Here Raji, drink up." I open it then hand it to her.

She chugs it down and she automatically looks refreshed. "Do you have any idea what could be causing you to feel this way? What have you been doing today?" I question.
Fantasia and I exchange looks.

Taraji gazes at Fantasia with what seems like shame on her face. " was.." Taraji stammers and Fantasia appears visibly annoyed.

"Taraji, please don't play games, okay? I know you were at the mall and you lied and said you were taking a nap. I have your location on my phone...

So what were you doing that you'd have to lie to me? Were you on a date or something, why you so dressed up?" Fantasia interrogates and I suddenly feel like I'm intruding on a personal moment.

"Imma give you guys a minute." I decide to walk into the next room, but I leave the door cracked slightly so I can eavesdrop.

Fantasia's POV

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