Chapter 35: Day 3 - Confessions Pt. II

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Whew so what did you all think of the last chapter!? I think that's the most comments on a chapter I've ever seen 👀 we're almost at 40k reads as well! Huge thanks as usual for all the love and support 💕

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Whew so what did you all think of the last chapter!? I think that's the most comments on a chapter I've ever seen 👀 we're almost at 40k reads as well! Huge thanks as usual for all the love and support

Fantasia's POV

I'm not sure what Taraji and Oprah were talking about, but I wish I had walked up on them about 5 seconds earlier. I also don't know what Taraji meant by follow her lead either, but I trust my baby. I'll see where she wants to take it and I'll support. Lord give us all strength.

"It's a huge honor to welcome, Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P. Henson, Danielle Brooks, Blitz Bazawule, and the beloved Oprah Winfrey to the show!" The host of Good Morning America, Robin Robert's introduces us.

I sit in between Danielle and Taraji, Blitz sits at the end, and Oprah sits in the middle of us all.

"Wow, every single one of you look so vibrant in your various shades of purple! Thank you for being here today." She grinned at us.

I thought that statement was ironic because Taraji & I intentionally didn't wear purple in order to make a statement.

"We're honored to be here, Robin and It's been so long since I've seen you. You yourself, look great." Oprah compliments.

"Yesss. You know, Oprah and I go way back and not many people know this but we were very very close friends in our teens. The trouble we would get into, right O?." Robin reminisces.

I notice Taraji fidgeting out of my peripheral vision and it looks like she's fighting back a smile. I subtly nudge her and she bites the inside of her cheek. I wanna know what's so funny.

"But, that's for another day! Now, I wanna start with you, Taraji. First and foremost, hats off to you for speaking out about your sexuality. As a openly black queer woman myself, I understand the responsibility that follows such an announcement. Not only that, I'm proud of you for shedding a light on the injustice that happens behind the scenes during these productions. Without your voice, we would've never known the truth about what actually takes place. How hard was it to continue pushing through this production with what was happening to you simultaneously?" Robin crosses her legs and looks up from her notecards.

"Well, thank you Robin, that means a lot to me. You know, it wasn't an easy decision to come out publicly like this and with the movie about to be released, it might've seemed like a less than ideal time. But I figured, there's never a perfect time to the make hard choices and I feel so free now. I'm grateful I decided to step out on faith and just do it." Taraji beams with joy. "As far as how hard it was to continue pushing through? I'll be honest, it made me want to give up on acting altogether. Something that used to bring me so much peace was beginning to feel like a war zone. I don't know how I would've gotten through it without my girls, especially this one right here. My partner in crime, Fantasia." Taraji grabs my hand and squeezes it firmly and I smile.

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