Chapter 15: Push Da Button

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Alright yall, I looked at the votes and I found a way to balance the story, so yall will get fed but also gotta wait for the full meal lol. I took a day off to really think things through with the direction I wanna take it, so here we go! things are going to get even more interesting. Sorry for the delay.

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Fantasia's POV
"I'm so sorry..." she places a gentle kiss on my neck. "How can I make it up to you?"

Whenever I pictured me and Taraji having sex, I always pictured myself pleasuring her first.
Of course I want her to touch me too, but she already gives so much.

I just wanna show her how much I appreciate her.

I haven't had any physical touch in a few weeks because I've been tired, and as of recently, I haven't been feeling turned on by Derek.

Neither one of us have done this before but I'm curious to see what Taraji shows me..

"Hmm..." I hum as she continues to kiss my neck. "I don't- I don't know. You'll just have to figure it out." I tease.

With an arched brow she doesn't say a word. She just stands up and reachers her hand out for me to grab. "Come on baby." She orders in a firm but loving voice.

I hold her hand she guides me into her bedroom and onto her bed. Typically I don't like laying on a bed with my outside clothes on but we both had time to change before we met up.

I'm wearing a simple black T shirt, big hoop earrings and some gray H&M lounge pants.
I felt so comfortable and this was the first time I've ever seen her bed room.
It was spacious and she had satin pink & brown pillows, and a space gray headboard.

"Lay down, get comfortable

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"Lay down, get comfortable." Taraji purrs. I do as I'm told. She climbs around the other side and faces me.

"So..." she starts. "You know I've never done anything with a woman before....Have you?"
Her voice shaky as if she'd rather not know the answer.

"Never." I assure.

"Good! So if I'm horrible, you wouldn't have nobody else to compare it to." Taraji does a hardy laugh.

I begin to trace circles onto her arm with my nails and her laughter ceases.

"I think you'll do just fine. I know you take good care of yourself...
You know what you just do what you me." I spoke nearly inaudibly.

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