Chapter 14: What About Your Friends?

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Fantasia's POV

We've been going over the new rendition of the kissing scene for about an hour now. It's not too bad but in my opinion, it is leaning more fantasy. Celie is dancing on a record while washing Shug Avery's back. There's a waltz scene and the kiss itself takes place in a movie theatre which is... interesting.

I don't care as much about the scene being added back in as I thought I would though. Maybe that's because I get to kiss Taraji in real life now, so I'm not even missing nothin' heh.

I believe this will help our acting even more because we're forming a new kind of bond.
I just hope it stays that way. I never been in no
love affair/3rd party situation before.

We take our places for the first shoot. The song happens before the scene now in this new version which actually doesn't make much sense to me....but, they're the writers, so,
guess they know what looks good.

Oprah, Danielle & a couple other of the cast members are watching while Oprah assists the director. I always get more nervous when Oprah watches me perform.

Feel like judgment day.

"What about love, take 1.
Places! Quiet on set....
Roll camera.." The director demands.

I start to sing...


Is...that me? Who's....floating away...lifted up to the clouds, by a kiss? Never felt nothing like this...

Singing this song feels different now.
I feel like I can truly relate to every single word.
When I kiss Taraji, I feel like I'm floating.
I feel like I'm on a high that I never wanna come down from.

Our eye contact is also different.
It's more sensual.
More romantic & loving.

I know Taraji can sense it too..
She picks singing where I leave off.

Will you light in the storm...
Will I see.... a new world in your eyes
With you my whole spirit rise...🎶

Danielle's POV

Loyalty always been everything to me.
I'm still new to show business so I don't wanna burn any bridges or be known as the person who is untrustworthy, but Oprah is basically blackmailing me at this point.
Talkin' bout I'll face the consequences.
This is ridiculous.
I can't do my girls like that, but I can't lose my job or be blackballed either.
I gotta think this through because
Raji & Tasia are my friends.

Oprah suddenly taps me on the shoulder while we're watching the scene between Taraji and Fantasia.

She leans into my ear.

"I want you to pay close attention to body language, eye contact, anything that can be used as evidence to support that they're having an inappropriate relationship.."

I hung my head & clenched my fists. I felt the discontent filling my veins.
I reluctantly observed the two women.

And What about
What about
What about...🎶🎶

"Watch, watch. Here it comes." Oprah murmurs.

Love . . . ?

Fantasia & Taraji's lips meet in a sweet kiss.
I felt uncomfortable for them knowing the situation they were completely oblivious to.
As I watched, I hoped for them to make the kiss bland, short, and quick. You could see the love between it and that's exactly what Oprah wanted so she could use it against them.

What About Love? The Color Purple: Love Story 💜 (Taraji & Fantasia)Where stories live. Discover now