Chapter 36: The Set Up

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Sorry for the very long delay, I've been busy this past week with work and just kinda overwhelmed with life but, here is the next chapter! 💖 I also wanted to give some people a chance to read and catch up. I can't believe this story is basically over. I'm so proud to have finished another book, however. Thanks for always being kind and patient.

Taraji's POV

Thankfully, the remainder of the interview went smooth. Robin shifted the focus off of Fantasia and I and directed it towards Blitz and Danielle. Oprah was very quiet the entire time and it was very unsettling to say the least. I had no idea what was going through her head but I'm grateful the hardest part was over.

She still owes me for saving her ass.

But me and Tasia are free.
Free to be ourselves.
Free to love each other openly...

I know we may get some mixed reviews from our families, but after what we've been through, that should be a walk in the park for us. Hopefully.

Let's see what the future holds.

"How are you feeling, my love?" I hold Fantasia's hands in mine once we exit off set of the interview.

"I don't know yet, T. I'm still in shock. I feel like I was talking, but I wasn't the one speaking. I can't believe we did that." Fantasia's eyes trailed down in uncertainty and lift her chin up.

"Like I said before, I'm so proud of you. It may not feel like it right now, but you're going to look back at this moment and it's going to feel empowering. What are you most afraid of?" I question squeezing her hands tighter.

"My momma's reaction. She always talking about how her baby girl gone' get married one day to a handsome man and live happily ever after...
I don't know what she'll say about the possibility of walking down the aisle with a beautiful woman." She chuckles, but there's pain behind it.

"Oh baby...I'm already knowing. Trust me, I've heard how my daddy talks about the LGBTQ+ community, and it's not favorable. But, we grown. We not little girls no more and our parents don't have that type of authority over our lives at this point. We living for us now, okay? We deserve to be happy. One step at a time." I soothe.

"I love you so much, you know that?" Fantasia beams. "You always know what to say."

"I love you more." I extend my lips out for her to kiss and she gives me a quick peck.

I glance over to my left near the main stage because I hear a familiar heavy voice speaking.

Oprah is having what seems like a serious conversation. Fantasia and I make eye contact before we subtly shift a little closer to hear what she's saying.

"So, what did you think of the show? Mhmmm. No, I had no idea she was going to say that....Yes, I spoke to her before we began. I told her the truth and made it right like you told me to....Well, if you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself Gayle!" Oprah's voice elevates and we quietly gasp.

"Chile, not the old lesbian telenovela. Sounds like Gayle wears the pants in the relationship." I scoff.

"Yup...just like me!" Fantasia says proudly.

"Just because you sing Miss Celie's pants don't mean nothing babygirl." I chuckle with one hand on my hip.

"Right well, we'll see about that tonight." Fantasia winks at me and I raise my eyebrow.

"Let's get out of here and grab some food or something, I'm hungry." I rub my stomach.

"You always hungry, babe." Fantasia grabs my hand and I pull it away.

What About Love? The Color Purple: Love Story 💜 (Taraji & Fantasia)Where stories live. Discover now