Chapter 29: The Last Laugh

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Whewwwww that last chapter was spicy! 🌶️ I hope you enjoyed, I know it was highly anticipated. Now to jump back to the story that's unfolding...This chapter is going to be a very sweet and cute, because we haven't got to see Fantasia and Taraji explore that side of there relationship as much.
These opps still gotta get tf.

Taraji's POV

I'm awakened by a bright sunbeam, penetrating through the blinds. I blink slowly until my eyes finally open. I fret for a moment, confused about where I was.

I suddenly jolt my body up and look around.

Peace fills my mind when I look down at the sleeping younger woman beside me. "How could she look so much like an angel while sleeping?" I wondered.

I search for my phone between the sheets and find it had fallen to the floor. I down and pick it up to check the time.

Oh, shit! It's 8am, we gotta go into work. I turn over to lightly nudge Fantasia awake.

"Tasia, Tasia. Honey, we gotta get up. We're late for work." I urge.

"Mmmm...huh?" She groans and rubs her eyes. "What time is it?" She asks while trying to find her own phone.

"It's 8..and we was supposed to be there at 8." I yawned and shifted my body that was somewhat still wrapped under her arm. Fantasia fully opens her eyes and comes to her senses.

"Wait a minute's Saturday." She giggles softly. Her voice was raspier than I've ever heard it. If this is how she sounded every morning, I wouldn't mind waking up to that.

"Your voice sounds so cute in the morning, Tasia!" I praise. "Unlike mine, I probably sound like a strangled cat." We both chuckle.

I flop back down and feel my hair that is tossed from a night of passion and a deep sleep. "Welp, this is the real me. I know I probably look crazy right now." I grab my phone and look in my camera.

"Eh, it's actually not too bad." I announce.

"You always look good Taraji, you know that. Take a picture." Fantasia says sweetly and I snap the pic.

"Send that to me

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"Send that to me." Fantasia demands with a smile on her face. A hint of lust lingered behind her words.

I send her the picture then I lock my phone and tuck it away. I then lean on my elbow facing towards her and think to myself for a moment...

", Daddy Tasia, huh? Where did she come from?" I interrogate with a smirk.

Fantasia scratches her head, flustered. "Ummmm, honestly, I don't know. I guess she always been in there, hiding. Just took the right one to bring her out." She shrugs.

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