Chapter 17: Girl...

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Fantasia's POV

With dumbfounded looks on our faces, me and Taraji are so lost trying to put the pieces together.
I'm afraid to even look over at her because I know she's already seething. I really don't like seeing her get all upset because sometimes she gets migraines.

Our new relationship that's barely developed is already being tested.
Going through hell and high water.
Hopefully this just makes us stronger in the end.

With a hardened expression, clenched fists and her face turned crimson like she's ready to burst, Taraji abruptly stands her feet like she's going to make a very important announcement.

"See! I told y'all. That two goood..

"Hold up, here comes the waitress again." I nudge Taraji's thigh with my elbow, but she remains standing.

A brown skinned younger woman probably around the age of 25 with a strong familiar southern belle accent greets us warmly. I'm from the south too, so it was comforting to hear.
She sound just like my granny.

"Lovely to meet you ladies, I'm Lauren. Sorry I kept y'all waiting! Chile, this place is busy. It's always crowded about this time. Can I start y'all off with something to drink?" She chirps.

"Just a water. Light ice." I respond quickly.

Danielle adds on "I'll just have a coffee, with 2 sugars light on the cream..."

"Vodka. straight up." Taraji interrupts and we all look at her with wide eyes.

"Why y'all looking at me like that? Hell, shit I need a drink!" She jokes but her face never loses its seriousness.

The waitress laughs. "Girl, I heard that! I'll be right back with your drinks." Lauren flashes us a smile before she walks away.

Danielle & I both form a silent agreement with our eyes. We're not gonna have a repeat from the night before with Taraji. The emotional drinking is a thing so we're gonna just keep an eye on it.

"My love, please sit down in a chair?" I plead and gently tug on her arm.

Taraji crosses her arms. "No, I'm standing up." She refuses.
She taps her foot and then her eyes trail down to Danielle.

"So who's side are you on anyway, theirs? Why does Oprah got you doing her dirty work? Who else is involved with this? The whole cast!? I bet they got cameras spying on us in here right now..I'll blow this whole place up."
Taraji interrogates Danielle and anxiously looks at the ceiling for anymore hidden cameras. Even through her anger, her humor seeps through.

Danielle & I both hide a smirk and try not to make it too obvious we're laughing.

Danielle clears her throat.
"Look. Now I know you're mad but before you go around here making threats, this was never my idea. This was alllll Oprah's doing. Nobody else is involved and nobody else knows, as far as I know."

Taraji narrows her eyes, unconvinced. I step into speak.

"Danielle...I think we're just stuck on the...well, all of it. How did Oprah know that me and Taraji were..I

"Dating." Taraji bluntly finishes my sentence.

I raise my eyebrow. I guess that's what we are.
I hold back a smile.

"Right. Dating. And why does she care so much? What does she gain from proving we're seeing each other?" I question, trying to remain calm.

"You know allll that woman cares about is power and control. She just wanna micromanage your relationship because she thinks it'll be "bad press" if it gets out that two black women are having a romantic relationship behind the scenes of this major production. She's trying to protect her image by shutting your relationship down before it has a chance to become public-" Danielle explains before Taraji interrupts again.

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