Chapter 38: Christmas Vacation 🎄

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Many of you may have noticed I marked this book as "complete" and that's because it is pretty much finished and I thought I was actually going to just end it during the last chapter! But ive been sitting on some ideas and thinking about where else I could take it and I think I could continue it further. So, let's see what we can do!

I've had a little writers block so any ideas of scenarios or plot twist you'd like to see be build around are very much obliged! ✨(Comment below)

Taraji's POV

"Tasia baby, you gotta eat somethin' I sat the plate of food I cooked on the side of her by the dresser.

"I'm still not hungry, T." Fantasia grumbles, not making eye contact with me.

"You haven't eaten hardly anything since we got back home yesterday. And you haven't even told me what was wrong or exactly what your mom said...I don't wanna be pushy, but if you want me to leave you alone and give you some space, I can go ho-

"No." She abruptly turns around and faces me. "I don't want you to leave. I'm just trying to process things. I knew it was going to be a lot but after I spoke to my mother, reality really hit me." Her lips turn into a small frown.

I rub her shoulder. "You know, I understand. Even though my folks can be a little delayed as well, I know how it is when your parents aren't as receptive of your lifestyle as you'd like them to be. Just ask Shug Avery." I tease and Fantasia giggles.

"Awww, there's that smile I love." I brush my fingers against her cheek. She holds my hand against her face then kisses it.

"I really love you Taraji. Thank you for being patient with me." Fantasia gushes.

"Hm. I should be the one thanking you. I know I can be a handful..." I smirk.

" can be...but I wouldn't have it any other way or with anybody else. Even if you do have a couple screws loose.." I cackle and she sucks her teeth.

"Baby I'm not about to play with you, eat your food." I push the plate onto her lap & I turn to head back into the kitchen. As I'm walking out Fantasia's phone begins ringing and all I hear is a loud groan.

I double back, concerned.

"What? What's wrong?"

"It's my mama..." Fantasia mumbles.

"Answer it, Tasia." I encourage. "And put it on speaker.." I smirk.

Fantasias POV

I throw my head back in frustration and pick up. "Hey, ma..."

"Fanny, I been calling you. You ignoring me?" My mom questions.

"No, I just been busy after these interviews and the movie about to be released...Speaking of, are you going to see it?"

"That's what I've been trying to talk to you about. To see if you wanted to see it together for Christmas.."

I glance over at Taraji, skeptical.
She shrugs.

"Umm..I guess that would be fine. But, Taraji and I were supposed to be spending Christmas I'm not sure if-

"You can bring your friend over as well!" She interrupts. "I'd love to officially meet her. I can cook, we can have dinner, it would be nice." My mom insists.

I shake my head and laugh. "That's not my friend, that's my woman. But, I'll talk to her and see what she says, and I'll let you know." I reply assertively.

"Alright baby, well I love you and I'll talk to you soon."

"Alright, love you too. Bye." I hang up and exhale.

Taraji furrows her eyebrows at me. "Your woman huh? I like the sound of that.." She smirks.

I shrug my shoulders and toss my phone aside.

"What? That seemed like it went pretty well. You don't want me to come over for Christmas?" She crosses her arms defensively.

"No, no. Of course I do. It's just, my mom is very sneaky. I know she probably has some tricks up her sleeve or is planning something unexpected. My mom is a devout Christian woman with very strong religious beliefs. I just know everything isn't gonna be smooth sailing with her. I just want you to be prepared for her shenanigans.." I rub my temples.

"Baby, please stop stressing. I'm a grown woman, I can handle myself. Whatever happens, we can handle it! Okay? Just please relax and don't think the worse case scenario. Mrs.Diane is gonna loveeee me." Taraji soothes and comes and kisses my cheek.

"You're right. You are pretty amazing. Welp, pack your bags, we're going to High Point North Carolina..." I grin.

"It'll be fun, we will make the most of it. And pass me your plate, you let your food get cold, I'll heat it up for you." Taraji reaches out and I hand it to her. She shuffles out of the room and watch her leave my line of vision into the kitchen.


Okay yall, where yall wanna see this go? Give me some potential scenarios I can build off of, characters I should add in or you wanna see a part of the next scenes? 👀 I'm back

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