Chapter 34: Day 3 - Confessions

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Taraji's POV

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Taraji's POV

Today was going to be a huge day for us and maybe a little awkward. This is the first interview where Danielle, Fantasia, Oprah & I will all be together after the speculations in the press. This is also the last interview before the movie comes out. Even though I have no idea what they're going to ask us or how Oprah will respond, I know they're going to expect us to clear things up, and I'm ready to lay all the cards out on the table. We've been tiptoeing around these conversations, but I don't think there's a better opportunity than this one.

Fantasia told me that she's ready to take the final next step this time because she held back during the last interview and she's been disappointed in herself for it. I told her not to be, we're all trying to figure out the best way to navigate this shit storm without it severely impacting the roll out of the movie. I couldn't sit up in these cameras and bite my tongue though.

That ain't never been me.

"Baby, what time is it?" I call out to Fantasia while I'm finishing up my makeup in the hotel bathroom.

"It's a quarter till 2, I'm so glad they're doing our segment pre recorded because I did not wanna do another 7am interview. We good on time, we still have about an hour left before we gotta head out." Fantasia replies. "I'm hungry tho, maybe I should order some room service.."

"Yeah, please. I'll take some type of salad and some fries."

"Salad and fries, T? Really?" Fantasia teases.

"Yes ma'am, it's called balance." I emphasize.

I hear Fantasia go to dial the number. I put the finishing touches on my eyebrows before I come out to the room and join her.

"Yes....yes. No onions on that salad...mhm." I smile at Fantasia's soft, polite voice.
It always makes me excited.

I caress her exposed thighs with my fingernails, teasing her dress up with them.

Fantasia clears her throat while speaking to the front desk. "Um..I'll just have a...maybe like a chicken sandwich.."

I smirk at her becoming distracted my touch. I go to kiss her softly on her ear and she shivers. "Taraji, cut it outttt." She hums turning away from the phone.

I whisper in her ear "Let me eat it real quick..."

Fantasia's back straightens abruptly and she inhales sharply. "Thank you! That'll be all! Okay see you soon, buh-bye." She yelps before hanging up the phone. She arches her brow at me and I fight back a smile.

"You play too much! You know it don't take much for me to turned on by you..." Fantasia growls leaning into me.

"I know... but I'll be quick, I promise." I snicker grabbing her face into a passionate kiss.

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