Chapter 4: What About Love?

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Taraji's POV

"We all get a little lost but it's about the meanings we give to things...We are actors. We was acting. It doesn't have to mean anything..."

Those words don't even sound the most authentic coming out of my mouth. But, what else was I supposed to say? I think we started as acting...but then it started feeling good...a lil TOO good. And Fantasia is my girl and we've gotten so close...she's like my sister. When you doing this kind of work, it's important to have emotional boundaries so your feelings don't get involved. I don't wanna hurt her. This can't happen again & we came too close to....
Let me finish this food.

"I should go check on the food." I leave Fantasia sitting there on the couch & I can feel my eyes swelling with tears. I honestly don't even know why I'm so emotional & getting so worked up about this...
If we was only acting.

As I walk towards the kitchen my legs feel like noodles & I can feel a pool of stickiness in my panties. This is too much for me. This has never happened during a scene before.
Was I really turned on?

After about 10 minutes, of us not talking outloud, I hear Fantasia shuffling and looks like she's fixing to leave.

"Hey...actually, can you pack up my plate to go? It's getting kinda late and I think I'll just head home. Derek is coming over tonight.." She says in a low soft voice, almost if she'd been afraid to speak. Fantasia is never afraid to speak her mind, but her voice almost sounded timid.

I felt a pit in my stomach hearing his name. This was a new feeling for me. I try and push it down.

"You sure? I don't mind it at all. We watch a movie or drink some wine?" I try to bargain. I really don't want her to go, even if it seems a little awkward now.

I begin to fix her plate to go anyway.

"Naw, T. It's okay. I'll see you at work tomorrow?" Fantasia gives a forced side smirk and I nod my head before I open my arms to give her a hug.

"You know I love you. No matter what. I always got you." I reassure as embrace her tightly. "Tonight doesn't change anything between us."

"I know" she hums and steps back. I hand her
her plate. Her eyes are glassy before she turns her back and walks to the front door. This just doesn't feel right to me. Her crying and leaving, me crying and staying. There's some layers to unpack but I don't know if it's worth unpacking right now.

Hopefully things blow over and we can just..
move on & go back to normal.



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What About Love? The Color Purple: Love Story 💜 (Taraji & Fantasia)Where stories live. Discover now