Chapter 31: Triple Threat

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I've been busy working so I haven't had as much time to write until today! Plus, I haven't wanted the story to be over so it's a little emotional writing these final chapters 😭🥺 but I'm still so grateful you all loved it like you do. Did you see Fantasia at the Grammy's??? She killed it! So proud of muvaaaaa 👑 anywho, let's see what they come up with this time

 Did you see Fantasia at the Grammy's??? She killed it! So proud of muvaaaaa 👑 anywho, let's see what they come up with this time 👀

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Fantasia's POV

"Right. One step a time. Let's call the lawyer." I pull my phone out from my back pocket and dial the number.

Danielle, Taraji, & I huddle around the cell phone anxiously as it rings.

It rang for what felt like 10 centuries.

"Hello? This is Jonathan Jones from J&J Law LLC. Who am I speaking with?" A stern voice echoes through the speaker.

"Hi..hi- yes. My name is Fantasia, my hair stylist gave me your number, her name is Briana. She told me you're one of the best and I was just reaching out inquiring your services and to ask a couple of questions." I hesitated. I look at the other two women and they nod in reassurance.

The phone goes silent for a couple of seconds.

"Hello? Mr.Jones? Are you still here?"

"Yes, I'm here. Your voice sounds very familiar so I was wondering, what is your last name?" He questions.

"It's Barrino, sir."

"Fantasia, Barrino? Oh....Oh wow! I know exactly who you are. The singer, correct? Briana told me she worked with celebrities clients, but I never about inquired who. That's amazing! You're doing a great job, young lady." Jonathan beams.

I can't stop blushing. Taraji and Danielle nudge me and smile.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate that." I reply, humbly.

"Well, what can I do you for today, Ms.Barrino?" His previously strict tone turned friendly and mellow.

"Well, you see, I'm in a bit of a complicated situation with a few of my colleagues at work. We have this....person of power who has been trying to blackmail us and get us to do things for them at the expense of our job. They've or someone else may have possibly managed to forge my signature as well as coerce my other colleague to sign an NDA without full consent...I don't want to relay who as of yet but, we just wanted to know what our options were as far as building a case or pressing charges?" I chew my lip in anticipation of his response and begin to pace around the kitchen. Danielle and Taraji follow closely behind.

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