Chapter 13: All Eyez On Me

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Taraji's POV

I'm really good at reading people. I can tell when something is off or when someone is hiding something from me. So when Oprah & Danielle came out from Oprah's office room, I could feel the energy shift. Hm. I gotta remember to ask Danielle about that later on. 

The two women come to the round & sit down among the rest of the cast. There was only about 6 or 7 of us that were supposed to film today, so it was more quiet and intimate than usual.

I remove my glasses so I can make better eye contact with Oprah & Danielle.
Everybody knows that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Fantasia caught me up to speed on everything I said lastnight. Although I apologize for my delivery and timing, I don't apologize for what I said, and I won't.

"Taraji..." Oprah nods. "You're looking...refreshed. How are you feeling today?"

She adjusts her glasses.

"I'm feeling fine as wine this morning, Ms. Oprah" I fluff my fur coat. "I would like to resume the conversation from dinner lastnight, on a more grounded note. Where should we begin?"

"I'm glad you ask. I wanted to actually redirect the conversation to a point that we didn't get a chance to cover during dinner."

My eyes widen and I lean further into the table.

She continues. "After careful consideration, we have decided to keep the kissing scene in the film. With some minor modifications but nonetheless, the scene will remain."

I sit back into my chair and turn to look at Fantasia. We both furrow our brows. I snap my neck back towards Oprah.

"Oh? So why the sudden change of heart?" I twiddle my fingers, skeptical of this adjustment. There's gotta be a catch.

Oprah clears her throat and glances subtly towards Danielle

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Oprah clears her throat and glances subtly towards Danielle. I notice this of course, I notice everything.

"You made a good point yesterday regarding The Color Purple being a black queer film at it's core. We want to uphold and that legacy. However, what I want you and Fantasia to understand is that you got big shoes to fill. You have a responsibility to deliver this image to the public of two black queer women. You have to also be prepared for what this comes with it. This isn't only a role, this is a temporary lifestyle you two are embodying. You have to be prepared for any potential repercussions or backlash. Honestly, we all do in this new society we live in. Do you think you can handle that?"

I felt myself getting a little defensive. One because it sounded like Oprah was doubting our capabilities as actors & our ability to handle ourselves. And two mainly because it made me think of me and Fantasia. What if this lifestyle isn't temporary? We want to explore our connection & we could run the risk of losing our jobs, our families, and so much more.
This could absolutely be a make or break for us, if we get caught. Am I even ready for what this comes with this? Is anybody ever ready?

What About Love? The Color Purple: Love Story 💜 (Taraji & Fantasia)Where stories live. Discover now