Chapter 16: Hell No

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Thank you for all the love from the previous chapter! Your encouragement means the world to me. ❤️
There's more where that came from in a few more chapters. I appreciate your support with this story.

Danielle's POV
Neither Fantasia or Taraji answered the phone which is odd. They must be together.
This is eating me up inside & I need to sit down with them and tell them what Oprah is up to.

I wait anxiously for a call back from them.

Time goes by...
It's 30 minutes later.
Time goes by..
45 minutes later.
Time goes by..
And now 1 hour later.

"Damn what they hell is they doing!?"
I blurt outloud & suck my teeth.
I start to give up on the idea of meeting up tonight until my phone suddenly buzzes.

I urgently pick it up and read the text.

FROM RAJI/SHUG: Hey Dani, sorry for the delay me and Tasia was busy for a minute. Your call startled us tho. Is everything okay? We can meet you at Steak 48 for dinner at 8pm if that's cool.

I text back right away.

Nah, yall are good. I'm okay. I just wanted to sit down and talk with yall and I'll explain more in person.

I hit send and start getting ready for another long, potentially exhausting evening.

As I'm heading out the door and grab my purse I see the microphone sitting beside it. I frown and drop it inside before scurrying out the door.

I make my way out the neighborhood and turn my music up loud. I turn on my girl Megan Thee Stallion, she always helps me clear my head or get in the zone.

I rap animatedly "Big ole freak, big booty big ol treat, ayyyyy"
I'm enjoying myself trying to lighten the mood.

I'm really getting into it until my music suddenly cuts off & an iPhone ringtone replaces it.

"Ughhh, why people always gotta call during the best part of a song..." I groan. I look down and veer off the road a little.

"Dammit, what does she want now..." I unwillingly pick up the phone and clear my throat.

"Hello? Danielle?" Oprah's voice booms on the other end.

"Ma'am?" I respond respectfully.

"Were you able to get in contact with Taraji & Fantasia to arrange a meeting?"

"Mhm. Yes maam, I told you I would..." I reply flatly.

Please leave me alone.

"And you've got your microphone? I'm counting on you to get what we need by any means necessary. Remember what we discussed...This falls back on you too. There will be consequences for not just this film, but future ones you audition for as well. That isn't a threat, it's a promise."

This woman was cold blooded. If I wasn't driving, I would've recorded her just now trying to blackmail me.

"Mhm...alright well I'm driving, so I'll speak with you later on." I seethe.

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