Chapter 3: Shug Kisses Celie

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"You know how we have our more intimate scenes right? You just need to focus on being present while you're in them. So let's practice the kiss. And I'll show you, you can just easily detach from it if you want to. Whenever you feel yourself slipping, I'll remind you to get grounded and in no time, you'll be able to do it on your own."

Her words ring in my ears as if I made them up myself.

"So, you saying you wanna run the whole scene? Right now? Kiss and all?" I blurted.

Taraji had a slight smirk run across her lips before she replied. "Girl, don't be all nervous like's just kissin!" She slaps my thigh.

The thing was, before this, I'd never had an on screen kiss with a woman. I played Celie in the broadway play years ago, but that was different. This feels way more intimate & emotional.
Taraji is also very attractive to me & intimidating, but in a good way.

So kissing her doesn't feel like when I kiss other actors.

"No-no, I didn't mean like, I was just-

I take a breath.
You know what, you're right. It's just kissing.." I proclaimed and throw my hands up, though I didn't quite believe what I was saying.

"Right! So let's start from this part..."

I can see the switch in Taraji's eyes as she embodies Shugs character. "I'll start and I'll show you exactly how to navigate while not breaking character, we're gonna do the original version of the scene.."

My body tenses.

"I think you beautiful.." she soothes while facing me and looking deep into my eyes.

I already almost forgot we were acting.

She leans in and kisses me on the cheek. I already feel myself slipping into a daze and looking away.

"Focus." She says sternly. "Keep your eyes on me."

Taraji leans in and kisses me on my forehead as Shug would in the movie. I know what's coming next, and look away shyly as Celie would.

"Alright. So now for this part, you have to really get grounded, mkay? It's emotional, vulnerable and intimate, so it's easy to get lost. You just gotta concentrate..."

With Taraji being so close, the sparkle in her eyes were a lot more noticeable than usual.

All I can do is nod & say "Okay. I'm here."

Taraji leans in slowly for a third time and I feel my breath catch in my throat. She places a soft kiss on my lips and I feel my eyes get heavy.
The emotions start to wash over.
Taraji pulls back and lifts my chin up so our eyes lock. My heart starts pounding.

"Stay right here. Stay present. Don't lose it." She almost whispered. "Put your hand on my shoulder..."

I took a deep breath and this time I leaned into her and I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Good. You got this" she smiled and I squeezed my thighs tighter and my other hand clenched onto the sofa.

I bite the inside of my lip before I kissed her again, a little harder than intended to. She placed her hand on my arm to regain her balance. I knew it was too late for me to remain focused, balanced, or grounded. I felt like I was floating. Her lips felt like velvet against my own. I moved against her slowly, deepening the kiss ever so slightly. I feel her hand begin to wander onto my hip and mine down her her shoulder.

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