Chapter 37: Dear Mama

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This is the longest I've gone without updating, I told yall I wasn't ready to let this story go so I had to take a break 😭🫣 but it was so amazing to write again after all of these years and actually finish another story! I'm going to go back and add more to the chapters soon and hopefully I'll do another story in the near future. Please leave comments or suggestions of other types of stories or scenarios you'd like to see me write, I could use the inspiration!

Taraji's POV

"Well, that is taken care of. He won't be an issue for you two any longer. It's handled." Oprah concludes with the snap of a finger.

We sat quietly for another couple of seconds before Danielle broke the silence.

"What the hell actually just happened?" She chuckles and we all laugh in unison.

"Oprah, were you planning this the entire time, is that why you wanted us to come to dinner?" I question naively.

"Honestly, no I wasn't. I did plan on interrogating him once he arrived, scare him and get him shaken up about harassing you two. But, I didn't plan on having him arrested until you mentioned him drugging you. You also told me I owed you one so, I hope that suffices for now." Oprah smirks.

I cock my head to the side and shrug. "Well, I guess it does. Thank you. We still need to handle the restraining order and all of that, but this will make it much easier to focus while he's out of our hair."

"Thank you, Ms. O. I never expected Derek to turn out to be the type of person he was. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he's dangerous. I'm glad he won't be giving us anymore trouble, anytime soon." Fantasia purrs.

"No, he won't. I'll make sure of it." Oprah soothes.

Before we know it, our food comes out and we waste no time diving right in.

Oprah told us to get whatever else we wanted off the menu.


"I can't eat no more, I could burst." Danielle frowns at the dessert Oprah ordered for the table.

"Right, I told y'all I'm trying to watch my figure. Oprah just showing off now with all the extras, we can't eat all this." I tease.

"You can take it to go, I know we leave tomorrow but you never know. Maybe it could be a midnight snack." She grins and I shake my head.

"Here Tasia, you can have mine." I slide my plate towards her.

"Naw baby, that's all you." She rejects while shuffling through her purse to find her phone that is buzzing in between us. She pulls it out and looks down at the screen.

"Excuse me one moment, I gotta take this." I arch my eyebrow at her before she slides out of the booth and walks around the corner.

I wonder who's callin' her...

Fantasia's POV

"Hey are you?" I clear my throat.

"Tasia, baby. You haven't returned any of my phone calls, are you okay?" I hear my mothers voice filled with worry through the phone.

"Yes I'm okay, I've just been touring and doing these interviews. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to call you back, I'll be back home tomorrow..."

Truthfully, I have been avoiding my mom.
I've been avoiding my friends and family since Taraji and I came out as a couple in the interviews.

I'm not mentally prepared for their opinions just yet.

"That's one reason I really wanted to speak with you and just pray with you. I've been keeping up with the interviews and you know I'm so proud of you, but I was shocked to hear that you and Taraji are together, especially in that way...Fantasia, I'm just so confused by all of this, how did this happen?" Her voice elevates.

"Mom...I'm at dinner, I can't talk about this right now. I'll be back home soon and we can discuss it in person, okay?" I attempt to reason with her.

"Please. Baby, I think you're just confused right now. The Color Purple has some challenging and taboo themes which made me hesitant for you from the start start. But I know you're a child of God and that you were gone be alright. I just hope nobody is persuading you into a lifestyle that isn't your own, you know what I mean?" My mother insinuates.

"I'm not confused and nobody is persuading me. I'm 39 years old. Old enough to know what I want for myself and what is right." I huff.

"And I'm 59 years old. I been on this earth much longer than you have and I've known you since you were born. This is not my little girl I raised making these types of choices. Sometimes we all get a little lost, it's okay. You'll find your way back, I know it."

My eyes swell with tears out of frustration. I knew this was coming. I knew she wouldn't accept me or my choices, but it hurt much more than I could've fathomed.

"Alright mom, I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon. Love you, bye." I sniffle and quickly hang up the phone. I rush to the bathroom to adjust my makeup before my tears run fully down my face.

Once I get into the bathroom, I text Taraji.

"Baby, we need to leave."

I wait a couple seconds, hoping she would respond and she did.

"What's wrong? Where are you?"

"Bathroom. I'll explain when we leave. I'm about to come back to the table in a few."

Taraji's POV

While Oprah pays for the food, Danielle notices my sudden mood shift as I'm texting Fantasia.

"You alright, T?" Danielle leans in.

"Yeah but, I don't know what's going on with Fantasia. She texted me that we need to leave but she didn't say why." I bite my inner cheek.

"That's odd. I hope she's okay...Keep me posted later. Oh, here she comes." Danielle points with her chin.

Fantasia slides back into the end of the booth and lets out a long sigh. I examine her face. I can tell she's sad.

"Alright, we all have to go boxes now so we should be ready to hit the road, unless you all had anything else you wanted to discuss tonight?" Oprah offers.

"No, I think we're good. Fantasia's tired so we're gonna be on our way. But, we will see y'all back at the studio in a few days." I smile and nod at her for confirmation.

"I'm tired too. We all deserve some much needed rest." Oprah agrees.

We leave a hefty tip behind as we make our way out of the restaurant.

As we're walking to our car, Fantasia suddenly bursts into tears almost knocking me over. I quickly catch the taller women and pull her into my arms for support.

I've never seen her this emotional before and I didn't know how react. All I know is I need to calm her down and figure out what's going on.


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