Chapter 25: Karma's A Bitch

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Thank you all for 20k reads today! 🤩🤩🤩 I can't believe it, yall mess with my story heavy! Ngl, I don't want it to end so we're really diving in deep with these different themes.

I know you all are feeling a bit down because you wanna see Fantasia and Taraji together, but what good would a story be without some angst and a little push/pull? All things work together and great things take time.

Fantasia's POV

After Taraji left my dressing room, I drove home and I sat in the car for about 30 minutes just praying, crying and contemplating what the hell my life had become.

I haven't even gone inside yet.
I feel crazy.

For weeks my head and my heart been in several different places, and it hasn't been made any clearer what I'm supposed to be doing.

God, just give me a sign.



From Taraji: I need y'all to come over here, like right now. It's an emergency.

Wow, okay God, you work fast.

But that's all the text says. It made me nervous, but I already have an inkling of what it could be about.

I grab a tissue from glove compartment and blow my nose, then I back my car out of the driveway and speed over to Taraji's.


I pull up within 15 minutes to Taraji's house and to my surprise, Danielle beat me here. I was actually hoping she'd be home alone so we could talk a bit more about where we left off but,
maybe there wasn't much else to say.

"Sorry, T. I got here as fast as I could. What's going on?" I peel off my jacket and hang it on a chair. Taraji's eyes look blank and her face expressionless as she focuses on her laptop screen.

"So, I wanted you both to be here at the same time so I could show you what I got in my email a lil while ago...It's the drug test results." She huffs.

Danielle and I look at each other. "Ha-have you already looked at it?" Danielle stammers reluctantly.

Taraji nods. "Mhmm." She turns her laptop around to us on the dining room table so can both read what it says. "I also printed out some copies of it."

Danielle reads from the paper out loud and I look at the screen.

Substances Tested:
1. Marijuana (THC) - Negative
2. Sodium thiopental - Positive
3. Rohypnol - Positive

She gasps. "FUCK." Danielle backs away and claps her hands together. "Oooh, I fucking knew it."

I squinted at the screen, uncertain of what these drugs were. All I knew is I was completely bewildered by the positive results.

I look up at Danielle.

"Danielle, what kind of drugs are these? Taraji did you look them up!?" I grunt.

"I know that one at the bottom, that's what people use to roofie you....I'm not sure what that other one is. Let's look it up real quick." Danielle whips out her phone. "How the hell you spell it again.."

I glance over the laptop screen and look at Taraji. She's much more quiet than usual. Which is unlike her and it's comcerning. I feel conflicted on how to comfort her now that we're...just friends again. How can something that was once so natural, suddenly feel so strange? I know it was my decision, but I'm just gonna be usual my compassionate self.

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