Chapter ¹²

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Siya woke up before the sun could even rise, just like she saw her mother do

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Siya woke up before the sun could even rise, just like she saw her mother do. She was supposed to take care of her husband and family right? Siya used to observe her father's behaviour since she was a child. When he got his breakfast on time and everything went on time his mood would be good that day. That meant no cursing or hitting her mother.

She looked at the Table clock beside her, 5:00. She had no idea what to do. Siya did not even know where the kitchen was, but knew one thing sleepping even after your husband is awake is a crime. She did not want to be asleep when Rajveer had woken up, what if he would get angry at her?

Siya's heart always felt her husband was nothing like her father and probably never would be but her brain was attentive and warned her to not trust men or she would end up like her mother. It wasn't her fault or Rajveer's fault but the environment she had grew up in. All her life she hadn't met a man she could trust or who told her, he would stand with her no matter what.

Her mother was her father and mother, the woman who cared for her.

Rajveer was a light sleeper, he felt the moment beside him and turned to her side. Looking at the time he frowned seeing her awake and sitting on the bed deep in her thoughts.

" Siya?" He called getting up.

" A..p uth gaye?"
( You're awake )

" It's only five, why are you awake at this time? Aren't you tired?"

" Not sleepy."

" Hmm."

Rajveer got up and sat on the bed, streching his muscles. Siya looked at the man in awe, he was handsome too handsome. She had never seen such a handsome guy.

" Coffe?" He asked not feeling sleepy either.

" Ji, mein banau apke liye bhi?" She asked tilting her head a little looking at her husband.

( Yes, I'll make it for us )

Rajveer did not say anything, just stood up and walked out of their bedroom and entered their living room which was attached to the bedroom. He opened a door that would pass for a cupboard but was a small space with fridge and stove.

Siya quietly stood beside her husband wanting him to move so she could prepare the coffee for them. But what Rajveer did next baffled her.

He took out the milk carton poured it in pot and kept it on the stove.

" M..ein bana deti hu. Ap kya kar rahe hain?" She asked looking at him as if he had just committed a sin.

( I'll make it, what are you doing? )

" Go sit down and relax Siya. " He said and ushered her out of the tiny kitchen.

Siya was mortified, her husband the man of the house was making her coffee. Was this okay? She thought.

𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now