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"Do you really think Oscar is going to leave Daniela for Minnie?" Manny says to the other Los Santos members  sitting around the table.

They all drunkenly ramble on about what they think as they pass liquor bottles and blunts back and forth.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look over to see a bottle coming my way. I put my hand up to say I'm good and look back down at my phone.

You'd think we'd have better things to do than get drunk in the middle of the park in broad day light but we're waiting for a drop.

I can't stop thinking about how mad Minnie is at me. She and Oscar were our 1st friends here when Manny and I moved here from Mexico in middle school. She's the most beautiful, amazing girl i've ever met. I blew everything by letting my feelings get in the way.

"Yo Manny," His head spins to me, "Im going on a walk."

"Be safe mano."

I nod my head and dap up a couple Santos as I walk away from the group.

How could she ever forgive me?

3 Years Ago

My hands were sweaty as I walked up to the front door. Minnie's gift in one hand and my heart in the other.

Todays the day I tell Minnie how much I actually love her.

After I knocked, Marie opened the door with her usual big smile. "Victor!"

"Hey," I smiled as I walked into the house.

"I'm just now finishing decorating the yard, Minnie's upstairs."

Her hand gestured to the stairs, I nodded my head and made my way to them. Once up the stairs I started to look for Minnie.

I reached her door that was slightly cracked, I went to go knock on it but I stopped when I saw her through the doorway.

Her back was turned towards the door but she didn't have a shirt on. She must've been getting ready, I knew I should've looked away but I couldn't. The slight curves of her body made me hard. The way her skin was so smooth it made me want to touch all over her.

The more time passed the more I wanted her. I just could tell how into each other her and Oscar were and I knew I never stood a chance, but with him out of the picture well.. free game.

After the longest minute ever, I decided to knock softly which pushed the door open ever so slightly.

She turned around, now dressed completely, and smiled big. God I love her smile. The way it lit up any room she was in.

"Victor," she ran to me hugging me tightly "you actually made it! Everyone said they couldn't make it."

"I was able to slither away," I handed her the gift bag that was stuffed ugily with tissue paper "for you."

She chuckled as she set the bag down on her bed and started to open up the bag.

"Don't laugh you know I don't know how to use that shit right," I smiled and sat down at the foot of her bed.

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now