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I stood there, cold and confused. Why did he flip like that? Victor has always been the sweet one. Not usually the one to step out of character especially to people he cared about. Drinking or not.

"Hey," the newly familiar voice came from behind me "are you okay?"

I turned to look at Dre, the boy Tatum brought to try and play matchmaker.

"No," tears start to form in my eyes and I turn away. I didn't want him to see me crying when we had just met only a couple hours ago.

"What happened?" he walked closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"I don't really want to talk about it.." I shook my head.

"Was it because of me?" Dre looked down at me to see me shaking from being so cold "you're shivering let's go inside."

I walked with him inside my house and he sat me down on the couch before sitting next to me. His leg was touching mine as he turned to face me.

"I know we just met but Tatum has told me so many things about you it feels like I already know you."

Tatum had been trying to set me up with anyone who she heard something good about since I hooked up with her brother, Jason.

Jason and I talked for a couple weeks before he slept with Natalie's twin sister when we were supposed to be exclusive.

Brentwood men are actually worse than Freeridge. You have a better chance of meeting a man who would shower you in love and treat you like a queen as long as you're loyal.

There was no loyalty out there.

That's why I was so weary of Dre but he's so good with his words and that smile. My GOD that smile.

"what has she told you?"

"Just that you're from Freeridge too," he leaned back into the couch interlocking his fingers before placing them on his stomach.

"You're from Freeridge?" My head shot up and I turned my body to fully look at him.

"Yea," he chuckled "you thought I was from Brentwood?"

"Well.." I looked him up at down, my eyes scanned his very Brentwood-born-like clothes.

The only difference is instead of a button up, khakis and a pair moccasins, he was wearing a white graphic tee and some green and white Nike Air Force 1's.

I didn't really notice his shoes till just then.

"Whoa whoa whoa," he sat up waving his hands infront of him, laughing "chill, chill I got drip."

"You have nice shoes," I jokingly poked at his outfit.

He put his hand on his chest and made a dramatic offended expression. I laughed making him smile, "i love your laugh."

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now