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"I don't understand why he's not going to-," I cut Manuel off before he said anymore that i didn't want to hear.

"Can you drop me off around the corner? I gotta pick up some shit," I nervously tap my foot and he glances at me.

"Right here?" he pulls up to the curb and I immediately open up the door. I basically jump out of the car, tripping over my own feet.

"what the fuck?" Manuel looks at me with a confused look while laughing "You good, mano?"

"You got too close to the curb, pendejo," I stand up pointing to the curb. In all reality I lost control of my legs. My brain is moving faster than my body at the moment.

"I'll see you at home," he yells out to me through the window after I shut the door. I look at my phone to the address in my texts.

My feet take me down the block. The numbers going up as I walk. 204... 202... 200. I stand in front of the pale yellow house. The grass a bit overgrown and the shingles falling off the roof.

A car door shuts behind me and I turn around. My heart stops as I watch her fumble with her keys. Our eyes connect and everything just comes rushing back.


I play with my keys looking at Victor in front of me.

"You're really back," he says softly while looking at me. I take a few steps up onto the path leading up to to my house.

"Yea I am," I can feel my body heating up with anger "but I don't want to talk to you." I walk by him and up my porch.

"Minnie please," he follows after me "I'm sorry I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Once I reach the door I can feel him standing behind me. I turn to him. Just seeing his face makes me want to sock him.

"You're mad at me still," he nods and fixes his bandana "I understand."

"No I don't think you do," If this were a cartoon steam would be coming out of my nose and ears that's how angry I am.

"What I did was wrong and I realize that," he takes a step closer and I slap him across the face. He stands there with his eyes closed and his head to the side from the force.

"I deserve that," he opens his eyes and looks at me. "I don't want to see you Victor. Leave," I turn to the door and start unlocking the door. Of course the lock wants to be sticky now.

"Minnie please just fucking listen to me!," he raises his voice a little and I stop trying to turn the key then turn to him. "I'm sorry I fucked up but you have to believe me. I can't believe I said those things. I wasn't thinking straight. I was angry and I didn't mean to say it."

"Yes you did, I know you Victor I'm not stupid," I shake my head at him "You stopped talking to me because I turned you down. Lied to everyone. You told me that my baby was better off dead. On my birthday. Because. I. Turned. You. Down."

"Get the fuck off my porch," I say in a low voice then I go inside shutting the door behind me.

"What's wrong?" Luca asks. I hadn't realized I started crying. I put on a smile "Nothing I'm just realizing how much I missed this place."

"I found a job," I say wiping my face "and I brought dinner." I hold up a bag of food. I just want to eat then finish unpacking so I could go to bed.


I clean up the trash from dinner and then head to my room. As soon as my butt hits my bed my phone starts ringing.

'Monse💛' is written across my screen so I pick it up. She starts yelling over the line, she's so loud that I had to pull my phone away from my ear. I could only hear bits and pieces I don't think the speaker in my phone was capable of holding that much power.

"Slow down and repeat yourself," I say before slowly putting my phone back to my ear.

Monse takes a deep breath and then it's silent before she starts speaking, "Cesar did something, the guys won't tell me. And Oscar's out of prison. And he eye violated me."

Oscars out of prison. Oscar was in prison? For what?

"Minnie!" I jump at the boom of her voice, "are you even listening to me?!"

"Yea yea, I'm here," I throw my head back. I hear Jamal in the background he's telling her what she's doing is stupid.

"I think Cesar is only acting like this because Oscar is back," she groans "Shut up Jamal! I have to go. Love you. Jamal do you ever shu-" My phone beeps and I no longer heard my cousin or her odd little friend.

"what the fuck?" I stare at my phone. I look out my window when I hear glass breaking outside.

I didn't miss the sounds of sirens every night, dogs barking, and people yelling. I enjoyed the quiet, but I did miss my home.

Oscar's name kinda boils my blood. He's fucking up so bad. If I ever see him I might kick his ass.

End Of Chapter
sorry it took so long i've been procrastinating hard as fuck.

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