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"Babe I swear to God," I say laughing as I hold my arms out, "I'll fight you."

"You can't beat me."

Oscar is standing in front of me with his hands out to tickle me so I punch his arm. His jaw drops pretending he's in pain and grabs his arm.

"Ow," he slowly smiles again then wraps his arms around my waist lifting me up.

I squeal and he slams me onto his bed. We start play fighting.

His bedroom door opens and we both stop laughing and look at Cesar who's standing there. Oscar frowns.

"Dad said he wants you, Oscar," Cesar stands there looking at us.

"Didn't I tell you to knock?" Oscar gets up from his bed and grabs my hand pulling me to sit up.

"Yea bu-" Cesar stammers.

"Tell him Minnie's here," he walks over to his door and starts pushing Cesar out slowly.

"I did he said it's Santos."

Oscar stops and sighs then looks back at me, "I'll be right back."

I nod as I watch Oscar walkout. Cesar turns to me, "were you guys having sex?"

I can feel my cheeks burning as I start to blush.

"No," I clear my throat, "we were messing around."

"When I get older I'm gonna have lots of sex."

I couldn't help but laugh, then I hear yelling so I stop and Cesar looks down the hallway and then slowly at me. I look down the hallway, his dad does this every time I'm here.

He's always yelling at Oscar and I don't think it's fair. He's soft on Cesar, Oscar says it's because he's still a kid but I don't remember a time he was easy on Oscar.

I, unfortunately, I can't understand a word that's being said. My Spanish is horrible.

Cesar turns back to me and sits next to me. He's my pocket translator and I don't even ask.

"He wants Oscar to join Los Santos."

"What?" I look at Cesar with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Dad's been talking about disappearing and if he were to disappear he wants Oscar to lead..." he looks down at his feet "Is my dad going to die?"

He looks up at me with tears in his eyes. I pull him to me and wrap my arms around him bringing him into a tight hug.

"What? No baby of course not," I rub his back "Your dad's taken care of himself all his life."

"Yea but he's getting older," he takes a shaky breath and his tears are still coming, "He said the only way that Los Santos can survive is if Oscar takes over."

"But he's not even in the gang?" I say more of a question.

"Not yet."

"Oscar knows that's not what he wants to do," I smile a little looking at Cesar trying to give him a sense of hope, "He's gonna become a chef."

He is, Oscar is one of the best cooks I know. Besides my mom of course. He makes this one dish I never tried until he made it for me. It was amazing.

"What if he doesn't?" he looks at me then back to his feet "What if Dad dies and Oscar has to?"

I just hug him because I don't know how to reply. Honestly, it's so hard to see this, he's so little and they both could have such a bright future.

Oscar comes back in and looks at Cesar, "Get out of my room!"

He's clearly pissed off so Cesar just runs out of the room. Oscar is pacing the room as he mumbles under his breath. I stand up and grab him, "hey what happened?"

His eyes meet mine and he takes a deep breath, "don't worry about it please?" he rubs his face, "I have to handle this."

"Just talk to me baby," I take his hands and make him sit then I sit in his lap.

He intertwined our fingers and looks at our hands, "My dad is scared that the Prophet$ are coming after him."

"He's expecting me to step up and take care of everything and I just, I don't know if I can. It's a lot. I'd be in a gang. I'd be a gang leader, I could lose you."

He started to tear up and I grabbed his face, "hey hey hey look at me."

"No matter what you do I don't think I'd ever willingly leave you. I love you Oscar, but you have a choice in this."

That's the first time I've said that to him, I was scared I was the only one that felt it.

"But do I really?" He looks in my eyes, "I mean shit, Minnie. My dad's the leader of the Santos. If anything were to happen to hi-" I stop him.

"Baby listen to me, everything is going to be okay." I rub the side of his face and he leans into my hand.

"I don't deserve you," he sighs and wipes his eyes with his shirt "you deserve the world."

"I have my world," I take his face in both my hands after he let's go.

He smiles really big then softly grabs my chin and brings my face to his. Our lips connect and I run my fingers through his hair.

My baby is going through so much right now and I know that if he makes the choice to follow his dad's footsteps it's going to get even worse. I want what's best for him but this is how he was raised and I can't stand it sometimes.

He lays back and pulls me with him. I smile into the kiss and he pulls away, I lay my head on his chest.

"oh yea," he moves his head so he's closer to my ear to whisper, "I love you too."

I giant smile spreads across my face, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this boy.

End of Chapter
The beginning to something awful

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