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A Week Later

I haven't really spoken to Oscar since the night with Edgar. I told him that I missed what we had. Past tense. He believed me, little does he know he's the only person I ever thought of marrying.

"Are you not excited that we're almost done with this shit hole?" Victor has been all excited that he gets to graduate with his brother since dumb ass, Manny, got left back last year.

"This is long overdue," Manny says as we stand in line. We've been rehearsing the graduation walk since we got to school this morning.

74 seniors lined up. There should be 75 but Oscar finished while he was still locked up. I sigh and stare at the empty seat in the middle of a cluster fuck of Diaz's. We were going to move out of California, go see his family in Mexico. He was going to open up a restaurant. Get a house together.

Have some kids, maybe even a dog. We were going to have a life.

"Minnie hello? Are you okay?" Manny asks as he looks at me. I didn't even realize I was crying or that they were calling me.

"Hm? Oh yea," I say with a small smile "just thinking that I'll rarely see you guys anymore."

Victor turns me to him and wipes around my eyes "we're still gonna be around."

"Yea it's not like we're leaving Freeridge anytime soon," Manny jokes but it hit a home run in my emotional playbook. Tears start pouring down my face uncontrollably.

"oh my god," Manny says frantically "what do I do?"

He and Victor argue amongst themselves blaming each other for the reason that I'm sobbing in the middle of the school football field. It's only Oscar. We were supposed to do this together. He's going to come for Manny and Victor, he'll talk to my mom and everyone else. Not me.

"what's wrong?" Victor tries to console me but I honestly don't think it'll work. Oscar was the only one that got me calm after I got so worked up but now I don't have him.

I sit in a random chair and cry into my hands. People are staring but honestly, at this point, I don't care.

"What the fuck do I do?" Manny says looking at Victor.

"Listen Hermosa," Victor crouches down in front of me and grabs my face in his hands "You're okay and whatever is making you feel like this. I'll beat up that thought okay? You got me and you got Manuel and we're going to be here with you through all of this alright fool? We got like 2 weeks of high school and then we get out and we can do whatever the hell we want. yea?"

I don't know how but that calmed me down, Victor wipes my tears and continues to hold my face. Manny hits his shoulder then Victor lets go and stands up.

"Thank you," I sniffle and wipe my face.

"What just happened?" Manny asks and I just shake my head.

"Just thinking about how everything's changed," I softly say "with Oscar and everything."

I look up at them and they look at each other then I stand up. I'll be okay I think I just needed that cry.

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