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The Next Day

I wake up to 3 missed calls, 24 messages and 1 voicemail. All from Monse, what could've been so important for her to message me 24 times?

I put my phone to my ear after pressing play on the voicemail. There's a lot of background arguing.

"You need to call me right now, there's so much going on and- Jamal! Shut up. Listen this is serious okay? It's about Los Santos and I'm worried. Call me back ASAP" Monse's voice speaks clear over the recording.

Los Santos? Oh my god. My finger slides against the screen slowly as I read all the messages from Monse. Nothing super specific.

I pull up Monse's contact information and call her phone. She answers almost immediately and starts yelling nonsense.

"LONG STORY SHORT- Cesar is in a gang!"

5 words that made my blood run cold. Cesar, little baby faced Cesar in a gang.... Even younger than Oscar when he got jumped in.

I began to grow pissed. Oscar knows how this shit can ruin you and he's out here letting his baby brother join a gang. HIS GANG.

Monse's words break me from the apparent daze I was in, "were figuring out a plan to get him out, I think we're going to have Ruby talk to Spooky abou-" I cut her off.

"Who?" I say, then almost instantly remember the nickname that Manny and Victor gave him. "Never mind. Monse don't get involved with it."

"But it's Cesar!" She yells through the phone. I'm assuming it's because of the fact Cesar is who she lost her virginity to and he's not acting the same.

"I'll handle it," why the fuck did I just say that?

I can't handle this, I can't handle seeing him or even hearing his voice.

"Really?! Great! Tomorrow morning!" The call ends and i'm left to wallow in my self pity. I have to do this. For Monse. For Cesar.

I think I'm gonna pass out.

"Minnie!" Mom's voice comes through the walls. I get up and make my way to her room but she's not there so I go to the kitchen. She's standing by the stove scooping out a pancake from the pan.

"A good day?" I smile at the sight of my mom on her feet. Yea, she walks around but a majority of the time she's in her bed and it makes me sad.

"I think so," she puts the pancake onto a plate of more pancakes.

"You take all your morning medicine yet?" I ask going over to her. She turns around to face me and can instantly tell that something is on my mind.

That's my mom, just always on her toes even when it's hard.

"You okay honey?" she puts the pan and spatula down. I let out a sigh and lean on the counter.

"Just being back is going to be an adjustment," I pause and put my head in my hands, closing my eyes "everything's so different."

"I know baby girl," she rubs my back, her hand is freezing. I don't say anything though because it's one of her good days.

She rarely has good days anymore. She deserves this good day.

"Have you talked to Oscar yet?" The words that came out of her mouth stopped my breath.

"Mom, please."

"You and I both know that you just need to talk," she shrugs going back to the pancakes she was once making.

"He's in a gang," he killed someone... I wasn't about to tell her that though. She has this vision that i'm going to marry Oscar before she dies. I just don't see it happening after everything.

"You promised me you'd talk to him," my mother throws at me. Dammit. Why do I do this to myself?

Shorter ones probably from now on unless the chapter gets super interesting. - E

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