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3 Days Later

Dre went home that night after what I said. He said he needed to think on our relationship because he feels like he's wasted his time with someone who's still stuck on their ex.

I'm not stuck on my ex, there was just a lot of unfinished business even before I moved to Brentwood.

4 years ago, I would laugh in your face if you told me Oscar and I weren't together anymore. I'd tell you to go fuck yourselves because you don't know what you're talking about.

Now, if you were to tell me I'd be without Dre i'd probably agree.. This time I fucked up.

He hasn't spoken to me since that day, I haven't texted him either I figured he wouldn't want to talk.

"Table four ordered a large sweet tea and the bbq chicken sandwich," Francis says from behind me as I'm typing the order into the computer.

I must've been lost in thought because my finger was stuck in the same spot, "oh right, sorry."

My eyes scan the order I put in and it wasn't anywhere close to being correct. After fixing it, I grab the receipt and clip it to the kitchen window.

"are you okay?" she asks leaning against the counter, her back towards the front of the restaurant.

"I'm fine," I wave her off and start cleaning up the register area.

"You've been here almost a week and i've never seen you so gloomy and on cloud 9."

I look up at her from the counter and she raises an eyebrow at me. Sighing, I put the rag I was holding down and sit on a bucket that was stashed under the counter.

"My ex-" she cuts me off.


"Oscar," i nod slowly "yea. He met my current boyfriend and they fought in front of my mom. Who's sick by the way."

"Now my boyfriend isn't talking to me because he thinks I still have feelings for... Oscar."

I contemplated calling him Spooky, but I don't know Spooky. I know Oscar.

"Do you?"

"I mean," I throw my arms out infront of me and let out an exasperated sigh "i don't know. I really don't know."

"'I don't know' usually means yes when it comes to feelings.." she states as she loosely crosses her arms behind her.

"The other day was my first time seeing him in 4 years Fran."

"That doesn't mean anything," she crouches down to eye level with me "ever seen the Notebook?"

"Yes," i chuckle, she's so serious too. She's always using movies for examples of life, I don't think she realizes they're all made up.

"But I'm also 1000% sure Oscar's not off somewhere building me my dream house."

"I'm team Spooky," a voice says from over the counter causing me and Francis to jump up.

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now