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The next day

"Victor you can't just send girls dick pics," I cringe "We don't like that."

Oscar sits beside me in study hall and pulls me closer to him by my chair.

"I mean why not? If I got an unexpected tit pic I'd love it."

"That's why girls think you're pervy," I shake my head.

"That's not true," Victor scoffs leaning back in his seat "right?"

Oscar and Manny start laughing and Victor punches Manny's arm. I drape my leg over Oscar's leg, "Hi baby" I caress his face.

"Hi mi amor," he pecks my lips and Manny starts to fake gag.

"I'm gonna be sick," Manny laughs with Victor.

I roll my eyes then look at Oscar, "you were late today?"

Oscar looks at Victor and Manny and they look away then he looks back to me.

"Yea I uh-I had to drop off Cesar but um... He was taking forever." After he says that I look at Victor and Manny and they were still looking away.

My eyes go to Oscar, "Baby where were you?"

He looks into my eyes then looks away and leans back.

"We're gonna go," Victor gets up and pulls Manny with him as he walks.

"Why are you acting so weird?" I take my leg off his and turn to him "just tell me where you were."

Please don't say you were cheating on me.

"I was taking care of business," he's still not looking at me "with my dad."

This is obviously why he was hiding this from me. He doesn't talk to me about these things. He doesn't think I could handle it I think.

"Show me your stomach Oscar," tears fill my eyes as I stand up. I'm surprised I could even get those words out.

"What?" he asks confused and stands up with me.

"Show me your stomach," I reach to go lift his shirt up but he grabs my hands, "Oscar."

"Minnie why do I ha-" I cut him off raising my voice a little, "show me your fucking stomach Oscar."

He looks at me for a bit then let's go of my hands while sighing. He makes sure no one looking then lifts his shirt up a bit to show his stomach.

The sight of all the bruises on his stomach and chest took my breath away. I hold the sudden breath in my mouth, he drops his shirt and he reaches for me but I back away.


"You got jumped in?" Tears are streaming down my face and he frowns.

"I had to... I had no other choice. I have to protect my family. And you. I can't do that if... If I'm not the... leader of Los Santos." His eyes were locked on the ground.

I grab my bag throwing it over my shoulder, "where are you going?"

I just look at him then walk away as the tears just keep coming. I can't lose him. Not this way. They're gonna destroy him.

I walk straight out of the school building and start walking home. My emotions are on high but the one taking control over me right now is rage. Pure rage.


I kept walking until I got to Oscar's house. His dad's red Impala sat in the driveway so I walk straight in.

There were a bunch of cholos surrounding the dining room table and Oscar's dad is at the end of it. All of them look at me, usually, I'd feel uncomfortable but right now I just want to punch someone's face in.

"Are you insane?" I slam my hands onto the table "He's your son. You're supposed to protect him! Then you get him mixed up in this shit!? You're stupid. Your sons have futures, they could have a future! But all you're worried about is this god damned Los Santos bullshit!"

All the guys had their mouths wide open but Ray had a straight face. This isn't the first time I've flipped out on him and it's probably not going to be the last.

"It was his choice."

"Yea like I believe that! He fought against it for years and now all of a sudden it was his choice!? Bullshit!"

"Calm down hyna," one of the cholos spoke up and I glare at him.

"I am not the one."

He looks at Ray who just starts laughing.

"You think this is funny?" I cross my arms and glare at him.

He stands up, "yea actually, the reason he joined is for his protection. For his family's protection. That's why he needs to do this. When I'm gone, our truces die with me unless my son steps up. Like I did. It's in our blood. Look around. No one is getting out of Freeridge. Your dad was just lucky."

I choke on my own tears, "you're sick."

"I'm Rey Santo Mija. In the Diaz family, we do what we have to, to survive. One day you'll understand."

I turn around and walk out of the house. I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't lose Oscar, I'll lose my mind.

My feet take me home, crying the whole time. I'm trying to process everything on my walk home but it's hard.

My phone vibrates and I check it, I have 5 texts from Oscar.

My sun💛
Baby I'm sorry
Please talk to me?
Where'd u go?
Dad just called me
Princesa u can't just do that
i'm handling this

You've been saying that
since this whole thing started.

My sun💛
I know baby nd I'm still
figuring it out

He said it was ur choice...

My Sun💛
It was

What about our plans?

My sun💛
Plans change
read 1:32pm
Minnie please

End of Chapter

Two in one day because I did it with my other one and I feel like it. You guys deserve it.

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