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Fuck, why am I so nervous? If she loves me she'll say yes. If she chooses me she'll say yes.

I spin my phone around in my fingers before I type in her mom's name and press the call button.


"Hey Marie," I take a deep breath before i speak again "Do i have your permission to propose to Minnie?"

There's a long silence on the other side of the phone.

What could make her think for so long? I treat her daughter with the utmost respect and love. I care for their family as if they were my own and we always spoke about us being married what's so different now? That Oscar dude?

He's a loose cannon. A fantasy to ever think he'd be good at taking care of Minnie or them. Every time he's brought up it's just chaos, I have no idea why they even moved back here.

"Dre, can I be honest honey?"

"Of course.."

"I don't think Minnie's in a fit position right now for either of us to answer a question like that."

"How not? We've been together for almost 3 years I feel like now is perfect.."

"I don't think that's in Minnie's best interests..," she sighs over the phone.

"Why cause i'm not some gangbanger who doesn't even care?"

"Dre that is not at all the issue."

"No Marie that is exactly the issue," I scoff " he's a lowlife Santos who's got nothing going for him."

"Listen I know you guys have your issues and your differences but I helped raise that boy and he had a hard life growing up and things never got easier for him." Her voice was stern, I can't believe she's defending him too. What is with this family and this dude?

"So do I! I chose better for myself and that's something he should've thought of if he wanted to keep her and he didn't. I'm sorry but I don't even really need your permission to propose this is up to Minnie."

I hang up the phone and stare at my lockscreen of Minnie and I from our last date.

What if she says no?


"What do you think he needs to talk about?" Francis says as she reorganizes the menus, trying to look busy.

"I have no clue but I don't think it's bad.."

"It'll be bad once you tell him you kissed Spooky for the second time."

"Francis," I look around us then hit her arm "lower your voice."

"And it was only one time we didn't kiss the first time.."

"Still," she cocks her head to look at me "you don't think he'll lose it?"

"He's not like that.."

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