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The Next Day

I walk by Cesar's room when I hear him talking to someone.

"But I'll miss you," he says so I turn around and stop in front of his door to see him on facetime with someone.

"I'll only be 40 minutes away Cesar," the girl on the line giggled "I'll try to visit I promise."

The voice belongs to the girl I never should've let go. What are they talking about?

"I feel like it'd be better if I came to visit you with like Mario or something," he says "so you don't have to come out to Freeridge anymore. What am I going to do when Oscar finds out?"

There was silence on the other side then Minnie lets out a deep sigh.

"He'll be fine... Just don't tell him till it's over that's all," I furrow my brows then walk to my room.

She's leaving? For how long? Why isn't she telling me?


"Go get ready for school," I say to Cesar "I'll come to get you from school, okay?"

"Okay," he nods "Love you."

My phone beeps indicating that Cesar had hung up. He's gonna be the reason I hate leaving Freeridge. My mother helped raise Cesar after their mom left, he's like my own little brother.

The moves going to be nuts, lots of tears will be released by me. I get up and start to get dressed for school. I miss Oscar.

2 Weeks Later

I stand up after my name was called. I make my way to the stage and shake the hands of the principal, vice principal, and superintendent. The piece of paper placed in my hand caused a smile to spread across my face.

"Congratulations, Ms. Flores," the principal smiles in my face. Fake ass bitch.

I give her a closed-mouth smile then walk off the stage back to my seat. I lean forward and show my diploma to Victor and Manny.

"Fuck yea! we're done with this bitch!" Victor whisper yells and Manny laughs.

They start messing around and I watch them. The movers are already at my house packing everything into the moving truck. I look around at all the familiar faces that I may never see again. My eyes start to water, I turn and look at the crowd of people here to see us walk. I spot Cesar next to my cousin Monse who's rubbing his back awkwardly as he balls his eyes out.

Next to them is Ruby, Jamal, and my mom. I'm really leaving this place.


"We're going to miss you," Manny says and wraps me in one of his tight bear hugs.

"I. Can't. Breathe." I struggle to get out then laugh once he lets me go.

"Don't screw any rich whiteboys," Victor yells out as he running over to embrace me "they're crazy."

Once his arms are wrapped around me he nuzzles his head into my neck. It's graduation and he's still wearing that stupid ass bandana. I reach my hand up and untie it letting it fall onto the ground. He quickly stands straight up putting his hands on his head in shock. I laugh and hold my stomach.

"Rude," he clicks his tongue then picks it back up tying it around his head once more.

"Oscar already left?" I hear Cesar ask Manny making me look at them and Manny nods in reply.

He already went home, not even a hi. He's been silent to everyone, he just drinks and smokes. His dad dying really fucked him up, I'm slowly beginning to realize that Oscar is not the Oscar I grew up with. This one is broken and angry at the world. He deserves so much more than this.

I finish my goodbyes to everyone then follow my mom to the car.

"Are you okay sweetie?" she calls out while unlocking the car doors.

"Yea mom," I give her a smile then we get into the car. I open the dash mirror and wipe the smeared mascara under and around my eyes.

"Ready?" Mom asks starting the car.

"Yea," I close the mirror then look at my mom. She gives me a warm smile as she starts to drive off. Goodbye Freeridge.


Hello Brentwood.

End of Chapter

idfk how far Brentwood is from Freeridge but fuck it. Next chapter is just gonna be a time jump thing... idk you'll see.

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