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Song ^^

I walk into study hall late, I stayed with Oscar a little longer, and sit at the usual table that the crew sits at. Feels so weird without Oscar here.

"Where's Spooky?" Manny says and I give him a confused look.

"Who?" I put my bag down in the abnormally, empty seat next to me.

Victor hits Manny's arm and Manny laughs. "He means Oscar," Victor rolls his eyes.

"Oh," I dig through my bag "he doesn't feel good so he decided to stay at mine."

"Oscar? Not feeling good?" Victor raises an eyebrow.

"Yea," I look at him and Manny.

"I heard he got a new haircut," Manny says.

"How'd you know?" I ask looking between Victor and Manuel.

"His dad told everyone," Victor shrugs and l look at him.

"So his dad knows what happened to him then?" I lean forward over the table.

"What do you mean? Is Oscar alright?" Victor says worried.

"He came to my house at like 3 in the morning and he was just so different," I explain to them "He even started crying, last time he cried was when his mom left."

Victor and Manny look at each other then Victor goes to say something but Manny shakes his head.

"Guys... what happened?" I say and they just look away. The bell rings to switch classes and they both look at eachother then me.

"Gotta get to class don't wanna be late," Manny says grabbing Victor "see ya Minnie."

Manny and Victor hurriedly walk out of the library. What the fuck.

I put my stuff back in my bag then put my bag over my shoulder. I have to figure out what is wrong with Oscar.


I climb in my bed next to Oscar and rub his back. He lets out a soft moan and I scoot closer wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you," he whispers and I smile.

"I love you too baby boy," I kiss his back and he grabs my hand thats on his stomach.

"My dad said I have to go back to business tomorrow," he turns his head to me.

"Baby you shouldn't have to do that," I say and I see his whole face change. He lets go of my hand and sits up.

"I do have to," his tone is harsh so I back away and sit up.

"Who else would be protecting this damn town from the prophets huh? It's not like we're gonna get out of here. Your dreams are just dreams. We're in too deep baby," he shakes his head as he throws the blanket off of him "like fuck, grow up."

It feels like I just got shot in my heart and stomach. I tear up and he gets off my bed.

"You think your dream of getting out of this hell hole is going to come true?"

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now