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"Do you know who you're fucking with?" I grab the store manager's hand and hold it down onto the counter.

"please! Please, I'm sorry! Tener una familia!" He screams and I punch him in the face with my free hand.

"I'm not gonna kill you puto," I wrap my hand around one of his fingers and snap it back. The man screams in pain and I smile.

"You owe us," I snap another finger of his and watch him squirm "$1,500. Where's my money, Rodrigo?"

"I don't have it! please! Oh my god!" he cries out.

"Where is it?" I yell and he doesn't reply so I look at Manuel who hands me a hammer "You have 5 seconds."

"one, two, three, four..." I start to count but he yells out.

"Okay! I'll tell you!"

"Good boy Rodrigo," I set the hammer down next to his hand "now where's my money?"

"P-prophet$ came," he swallows hard, "said they d-don't appreciate who I do business with."

"Thank you, Rodrigo, now was that so hard?" I pick up the hammer and slam it down on 2 of his fingers and he screams out. I let go of his hand and he looks at them then passes out.

"Oh that was sick man," Manuel laughs taking the hammer back.

"We have to do what we have to," I walk out of the store with Manuel following me. We get into my car and I drive off.

"It's great to have you back Spook," Manuel puts his hand on my shoulder and shakes me "we missed you while you were in the pinta again. we gotta get you to the barber's you got too much hair." We laugh as I pull up in front of my house and park.


I unpack the boxes into the new house. It's not too close to the old house but it's not far either maybe about a 5-minute drive.

"Welcome home," I mutter under my breath.

"Thank you, Minnie," My mom sighs behind me and I turn to her as she looks around my new bedroom "I dragged you out of here just for me to drag you back."

"Don't worry about it mom, you got to relax. I'm going to find a better job to help us. We'll be okay."

"You don't have to stay baby girl," her eyes water so I go and hug her tight.

"I'm here because I want to be," I rub her back then pull away so I can look at her, "Luca said he's going to come stay with us. So when I'm not here you're not alone."

"Did you take your medicine?" I go over to a box and pull out her bag of pills.

"Yes," she sits down on my naked bed "I hate this. I feel so useless."

"Mom," I turn to her "stop. I got all of this." I motion to the clutter of boxes.

"There's not long before I go and I-" I cut her off by waving my hand.

I step closer to my mom and fix the bandana covering the little bit of hair she has left.

"You'll be okay mama," I smile and kiss her head then stand her up and help her to her room "I'm not letting anything happen to you."

"Minnie," she softly says.

"mom, you'll be okay. I'll make sure of it."

"The cancer keeps spreading baby, the radiation didn't work. They can't stop it."

"You're okay mama," I pull the blanket up to her chest "Get some rest."

"Okay baby," she nods and I kiss her head. I keep my head on hers when I feel my tears start up.

I make my way to the bathroom and I shut the door. Once the door shuts tears start streaming down my face, I turn the sink on and sit on the toilet. I put my head in my hands and sob uncontrollably. I can't lose my mom yet.

"Breathe Minnie," I take a deep breath and then wipe my face "everything is okay."

I stand up and splash my face with water then dry it off with my shirt. I walk out of the bathroom after shutting the sink off and hear a knock at the front door. I go and open it to see Monse and her dad Monty. He's not very fond of my side of the family because of my tia Selena, Monse's mom.

"Hi!" Monse says as she pulls me into a hug "I just got back from writing camp! I wanted to say hi before I went to go see my friends."

"Hey sweetheart," I smile once she pulls away and I look at Monty "Hey Monty."

"Hello," he nods his head.

"Are you excited to be back in Freeridge? I know I wouldn't be."

"I'm actually pretty excited," I step out onto the porch shutting the door behind me "would you guys like anything to drink?"

"No I'm good we're not staying long," Monse says smiling.

"You got your braces off!" I exclaim and she laughs taking her flannel off tying it around her waist "woah and you're a woman."

"I've been telling her to cover up but she won't listen to me."

"I'm fine dad," she rolls her eyes and I chuckle "We're gonna go because I have to go surprise Ruby, Jamal, and Cesar."

"Okay well be safe," I smile as she hugs me then they run off to the car and drive off.

I watch a familiar red impala drive by. Oscar.

End of Chapter


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