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I didn't know if the Oscar I knew was still in there. I hoped.

For all I knew he could've pulled a gun on me the minute I even stepped on his lawn. Which he didn't, thankfully.

"Why do you even care? You left." Oscar says.

I didn't want to, felt like I had to for my future. I examined his face for any kind of hope that he might be able to come back as the Oscar I knew. I don't think so though..

"That doesn't mean anything," I shake my head "you guys were my family."

"You stopped talking to us," Manny says kind of low but I heard him anyway. I glance over at Victor who's eyes have been on the ground. He never told them.

"Oh did I?" I can feel the anger in the back of my throat just trying to come out in words.

"Yea," Manny asks more of a question this time. Victor's eyes still on the ground.


He looks up at me and then they both look at him. He really never told them? Instant regret is written all over his face.

"You never told them what you did?" I say as Victor looks at them then slowly back to me.

"I already said sorry," he shakes his head "They don't need to hear it."

"Hear what?" Manny asks confused.


My blood is boiling then I remember, he's in Oscar's gang. Oscar's in charge and he's scared.

"What happened?"

Oscar looks at Victor and he opens his mouth to say something but I reply instead, "nothing."

I lied.

I couldn't tell Oscar what Victor said about our baby. Even though I can't stand to look at him anymore, I couldn't see him hurt. Especially when we all grew up together.

"No," Manny stood up looking between Victor and I. "What happened."

Victor looked at me with pleading eyes. I shouldn't even be the one defending him right now.

"Listen. That's not why I came-" I'm cut off by a girl's voice coming out of Oscar and Cesar's house. We all turn to look at her then Manny puts his hand over his mouth and turns to look at me.

"Spooky, baby," she whines as she leans on the porch "I'm sorry, I wont do it again please come inside."

Who. The. Fuck. Is. She.

I scrunch my eyebrows and turn to Oscar who's intently staring at her.

"Go inside D."

"No not unless you're coming with me." She crosses her arms and stops her foot like a child. Like a literal child.

"I said go the fuck inside." The tone of his voice goes harsh and she scuffs at him.

"Why so you can talk to another dumb bitch?!" She screams as she takes her slipper off and launches it at us making Oscar jump out of the way.

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now