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I rub Minnie's back as she's napping. My mind keeps going to the thought that Los Santos is going to tear us apart, I mean it can't if I don't let it right?

I watch as Minnie's body moves as she breathes. She looks so peaceful how can she stay so positive through all this? I don't want to stress her out.

My phone dings and I turn to grab it. There's a text from my dad, I sigh and reply.

Where are you?

I'm with Minnie

We got business
Meet me at the warehouse
down on Lexington

I can't
I told Minnie I'd be with
her all day

I don't care
She's gotta learn to understand
that Los Santos comes first

Dad she's pregnant I'm
not just going to dip

If you're not here in 30 minutes
your ass will be on a stick
I'm sending Edgar to come get you

I look at Minnie who's beside me, I sigh and shake her gently. Her big brown eyes flutter open and look at me, "hm?" she closes her eyes again.

"I have to leave," I say and sit up "I have to go take care of things."

"Where are you going?" she sits up as I throw my legs over the bed and put my shoes on.

"Los Santos," I turn to her slowly and she rolls her eyes.

"Bye." She lays back down and closes her eyes.

"I'm sorry baby," I get up and go to her side "I'll make it up to you."

She opens her eyes if looks could kill I'd be dead. I lean down to kiss her and she moves her face to make me kiss her cheek.

"Minnie." I stand up straight.

"Bye," she flips to her other side so her backs to me.

"I love you," I say to her and she doesn't say anything. I knew this was going to happen.

"Minnie c'mon," I put my hand on her back and move her a bit.

She sits up quickly and points at the door, "Go."

There was a pain in my chest like I just got stabbed. I shake my head and walk out of her room.

"Where are you going?" Marie says from the couch.

"I have to go to... work."

"I thought you only worked on weekdays?"

"Oh I got a new job," I reach the door "I'll see you later moms."

I walk out and walk up to the little black car in the street. Edgar's in the driver's seat, I open the door and get in.

"Sorry to pull you away from your novia," Edgar says as he drives.

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now