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The car was silent. Oscar hasn't said much since I told him I had a boyfriend. Just random questions here and there.

I don't get why he cares, apparently he has like 7 girlfriends so why does it matter what i do?

"How old is he?"

"24." I don't know why I'm answering. It's like Oscar had this spell on me to tell him everything. Ive always told him everything until we broke up..

"what's he like?"

"he's nice. he has his own place in Briarwood, a car. 2 kids."

"2 kids?"

"yea, 5 and 2."

"So you're playing step mommy?"

"No." I scoff "I haven't even met them yet."

"how do I know you're not lying?"

WHY DOES IT MATTER?! "Okay, look, this is my dating life. I have mine, you have yours. I don't know why you care."

"I don't," he taps the steering wheel and glances out the window.

"so then why are you asking me so many questions?"

"because your last boyfriend wasn't so 'nice.'"

"yea seems like i have a type." I cross my arms then the car comes to a quick stop "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'll kill him."

I believed him. That's the scary part.

"you can't kill my boyfriend."

"do you love him?" he says looking straight ahead of him at the road.

The car still isn't moving but that question made me feel like we were going 1000mph. My stomach starts to tighten as I think.

Do i love him?

"i don't know.." i mutter. I sink into my seat, we've never said it to each other, but i know i have love for him.

"Do..." he wipes his face and shakes his head "never mind."

The car starts to move again as he begins driving. His phone rings and he picks it up "yo."

"are you fucking serious? im on my way. Fuck i don't know just tell her i went to handle something man are you a fucking idiot?" his grip tightened on his phone then he hangs up.

"that about your girlfriend?" I play with the string to my jacket.

"shut up please."

"Why are you so fucking rude? you don't always have to be so mean all the time. every time i've seen you you've just been a raging dickhead."

The car comes to a complete stop. "I'll see you," he says as i look around and spot my house. He drives so fast i didn't even realize that we were here already.

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now