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I reach up and touch my face, looking into the mirror. I got this fucking tear drop on my face. When I get out i'm getting the Los Santos cross, I'm not sure where yet.

"Diaz let's go!" The guard yells into the bathroom and I sigh then walk back to my cell.

I wonder how Minnie's doing. I shouldn't have left like I did and now the only person that answers my call is Cesar.

I plop down on my hard ass bed and run my hand against my head. I decided to keep my head shaven, it looks good.

Minnie. God, what did I do? I fucked up and she's having my baby. I walk over to the bars.

"Ayo," I call out to catch the guards attention "can I use the phone?"

"Back up, inmate."

She walks over to the bars and I take a few steps back. She unlocks the door and pulls me out to take me to the phone.

"Make it quick," she says when I turn to the phone.

I dial Minnie's phone number. I close my eyes laying my head on the booth. There's no way she's going to answer. She hates me. Mom hates me. I hurt them.

I wait and then hear 'your call has been accepted."

"Oscar?" I hear on the line, my heart skips a beat. It's Marie.

"Why do you have Minnie's phone?" My grip tightens on the phone and I open my eyes.

"She's in the hospital," She sniffles and my heart drops.

"What happened to her?" I ask taking my head off the booth.

"She had a miscarriage," She says and I feel like my heart just got shot "her fluids weren't where they were supposed to be and it was malnourished..."

I did this, this is all my fault. I tear up and turn my back to the booth with the phone still to my ear.

"This isn't your fault Oscar," she says and I shake my head. It's like she read my mind.

"But i'm not there. I told her I'd be there. I promised," I say as tears start to roll down my face.

"You loved her that's all you could've done." She says and I hear someone talk in the background.

"Who's that?" Her voice sounds so fragile. she's broken... I broke her twice.

"It's Oscar," Her mom says slowly.

"Hang up," She says, a punch to the stomach, that's what that felt like. Is this what I've been doing to her? I feel like shit.

"Oscar I'm sorry honey I'll see you when you get out." She hangs up and I wipe my face. We're really over...


"Honey he's getting out next month," My mom says sitting down beside me.

"Cool for him," I turn to my side. He hasn't talked to me since he walked out of my house and now he cares? He left me. With no explanation.

"I understand you're hurt Minnie b-" I cut her off.
"I don't have to forgive him. Just let me rest... Please mom?" I turn my head to her.

She nods and lays down beside me.

"I'm sorry baby I know this hurts," she rubs my back.

"I just want to sleep," I close my eyes raising the blanket up to my face.

3 Months Later

"Hey Victor," I say with a smile as I open the front door "Hey Manny."

"Hey" They say and Victor looks at Manny.

"We figured we'd stop in and say hey, bring lunch," Manny smiles "but we can't stay long."
My mom picked up another shift at her job to pay for the bills and refused to let me help so I've been home by myself a lot.

I pout, "why not?"

"We have to go pick.. something up from prison," Victor says and Manny hits his arm.

"Could you make it any more obvious?" Manny whisper yells at me.

"It's fine guys," I chuckle shaking my head "I'm over it. Him. The situation."

"Are you sure?" Manny says concerned.

"It's almost been 5 months," I shrug "There's no reason to hold onto it anymore."

"You got us," they say.

"I know," I smile and they hand me the bag of food "Thank you." They hug me tight then walk away.

I sigh as I watch them get in the car. Last time I heard about Oscar he got in a fight with a guard and almost killed them. They put him in solitary for 2 more months. That was the day I lost the baby.

I close the front door and lean on it, "You can come out."

"Who was that?" The guy i've been seeing peeks his head around the corner and I slightly smile.

"Victor and Manuel," I put the food on the living room table and he plops on my couch.

"They still don't know huh?" He asks and I sit next to him.

"If they knew, Oscar would find out, which means another problem I don't want to deal with."

He nods and then shakes his head. He's not like Oscar. Not as much as I'd like at least. He's goes from super sweet, to super aggressive really fast. I don't want to be in this anymore but I'm scared of what he'd do if I told him I didn't want to be with him anymore.

"You still have feelings for him still?" He asks as he starts opening the food containers clearly aggravated.

"What? No... I'm with you," I go to touch his face and he grabs my wrists tight "Ow! You're hurting me!"

"You take me as a joke? You think I want to be with someone who obsesses over their fucking ex?" He raises his voice tightening his grip on my wrist.

"Please stop!" I try to get his hand off my wrist as I start crying "you're hurting me!"

He yanks my arm and I end up on the ground in front of the couch.

"Bet you probably wanna sleep with Victor and Manny too," he let's go of my wrist "you're a slut."

"Why are you doing this?" I say through tears as I hold my now bruised wrist.

"Because you don't learn!" He yells and I crawl backwards away from him. He stands up looking at me.

"Edgar please stop," I hold my arms out as I back up against the wall.

"You need to learn," His hand strikes my face and I cry out. Someone please help me.

End of Chapter
oops, time is moving fast in this book and I'm sorry but it's not even close to being done. Promise. I love this book too much to end it quickly

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