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a few days later

"Hi I'm Dr. Johnson," the lady shakes my hand then Oscar's.

"I'm assuming you're the dad?" She gestures to Oscar and sits in her seat by a computer. He nods.

Oscar has been quiet the last few days, he's nervous but it only makes me even more nervous.

When I left his house after I took the test, Oscar and his dad got into a really bad argument. I don't know what I should do

"Okay so today we're going to just look at the baby and see if everything is going smooth. Okay?"

She starts getting the equipment that she needs out. When she walks out she comes back in with a monitor and she plugs it into the wall.

Oscar is holding my hand so tight that his fingertips are white. He has so much going on. I feel so bad about this happening at the worst possible moment. We shouldn't even be worried about this.

"I'm going to need you to lift your shirt up and we can get started." Her smile was warming. It almost makes me wanna smile. Almost.

I lift my shirt up exposing my stomach and she squirts a clear gel onto it. I wince from the cold and Oscar is just watching the process.

She puts the device on my stomach and starts moving it around while staring at the screen. She has it turned away from us so we can't see it. Her face scrunches up as she moves the device around, all over.

"Oh there you are," she whispers then smiles "the fella was hidden."

The monitor is turned to us now and I look at Oscar. He's staring as we look at the blob on the screen.

"That's it? That's our baby?" Oscar says in awe.

"Yea that's your baby," she points to the screen.


I sit on my bed and place my hand on my stomach. Oscar stands in the doorway looking at me. This is real. This is a problem we have to face.

Oscar hasn't spoken since the appointment.

"What's wrong?" I ask as he runs his hands through his hair. He looks so stressed out.

He looks at me and shakes his head while resting his head on my doorframe.

"Oscar is something wrong?" He looks over at me again.

"I'm fine Min," he sighs "I'm just thinking."

He's been acting so weird since we found out and he doesn't even want to talk about it. He used to talk to me about everything and now he just gives me silence. I tear up once he looks away from me.

"Are you going to break up with me?" My voice cracks and his head pops up. He makes his way over to me and crouches in front of me, grabbing my hands. When he realizes that I'm crying he frowns.

"No princesa," he shakes his head "why would you ever think that?"

"Because you don't talk to me anymore. It's always short answers when you actually do. You're always upset now. Do I not make you happy anymore?"

"You make me the happiest person in the world baby. You mean the world to me," he kisses my hands.

"Then what's wrong?"

"It's just a lot of stress right now and I'm ha-" I cut him off.
"If you say you're handling it, so help me God."

"Baby I'm in a gang... my dad has this gut feeling he's gonna die... I'm gonna have to raise Cesar on my own... and the baby. Our baby. Will have no idea what it's like to live a life without violence."

"Oscar I know you're stressed right now but we got this. If we can get through this we can get through everything," I grab his face laying my head on his "I love you."

"I love you too," he pecks my lips and shuts his eyes.

"My dad said I'm going to be busy during the summer... catching up with Los Santos and everything."

"I figured," I back away from him to look at his face "you're probably going to be busy all the time now."

"I'll still make time for you."

"You'll try to make time for me... but it's okay," I slightly smile and caress his face "We'll figure it out."

He nods and rubs his face. There's a soft knock on my door, "come in."

The door slowly opens then my mom's head peeks around the corner.

"Hi my babies," she smiles.

My mom is always glowing. She's so beautiful it makes me kind of jealous. Her adoration towards Oscar is also such a great thing, sometimes she treats him and Cesar better than me but I'm okay with it. They need a mom figure and I'm not about to take that from them.

"Hey ma," Oscar kisses her cheek and I smile.

"How was the appointment?" She says as she walks into my room.

I grab my over the shoulder bag and take out the ultrasound photos. She takes them from me and looks at them, I think I see tears in her eyes.

"That's my grandbaby," she looks at all the photos again.

"He's gonna be handsome," she hands the photos back "I can feel it."

"He? You think it's a boy?" Oscar asks all giddy and overjoyed.

"Boy did I not just say I feel it," she laughs hitting his arm.

My mom thinks just cause she has a gut feeling that it's correct. It's been like that ever since I can remember and she was almost always correct.

"If you guys need anything I'll be in my room," she turns and walks out of the room.

"You didn't shut my door!" I yell to her.

"I know!" she chuckles and keeps walking away.

End of Chapter

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