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Why did I kiss him? Why did I have to go back out there?

"Didn't I already hear you come in?" Luca asks turning the corner from the hallway.

"Yea," I nod.

"Are you okay?"

"i'm fine," i look back out the big window in my living room watching him drive away.

Did I just fuck up everything I had between Dre and Oscar? It feels like I just got punched in the stomach. My insides twist and turn as I try to gather my thoughts.

Suddenly, I let out a shaky breath then tears start to pour down my face. I begin to sink down to the floor with my back against the door.

"Oh god," Luca runs over to me and tries to hold me up but I'm no help. I just feel so heavy.

"What happened? Was it Oscar?"

I shake my head as I sob into his arms, he rubs my head.

In reality, it was me. I shouldn't have promised my mom that anything good could've came out of talking to him about anything. Whether it be him or me, I just knew seeing him again would make everything rush back.

Who knew it'd be for both of us.

I have changed. I have changed so much to be someone new, someone he's never been with. Him leaving me alone in a time of need then loosing our baby.

I should've never came back to Freeridge.

I should've gotten all of us the fuck outta here.

I must've fallen asleep because I woke up on the couch covered with a blanket. Luca truly is the sweetest person. He does the best he can for my family and our fucked up situation.

I check my phone to see if anyone had texted or called. I have a missed call from Monse a couple of minutes ago. As I go to press her name, she calls me so I answer.

"I swear to God if she doesn't answer," she says over the other line.


"oh hey," she dragged out the end of the word, "My dad said your car is done and ready to be picked up from the shop whenever you want."

"Tell him I said thank you," I groan as I sit up.

"also, since your car is fixed," I hear Ruby and Jamal in the background saying 'ask her' and 'don't ask' over and over "can you give us a ride to Brentwood for Halloween? Ruby's cousin is living with him and we all know we can't trick or treat in Freeridge."

"Fake cousin!" Ruby yells in the background.

"Yea no problem," I chuckle.

"Thank youuu," the boys in the back cheer and then go off rambling as they do "see you at like 4:30."

The line goes dead and I look at the time on my phone screen. I slept in it's 1:47PM , I didn't even realize it was Halloween either.

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now