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I honestly kind of miss Minnie. It's my fault she left, I know. That doesn't mean I wanted her to go.

"Don't just sit there with it pendejo!" Manuel grabbed the blunt from Victor's fingers. He starts to hit it.

"Cmon man," Victor sucks his teeth looking at his brother with a stank face.

They both look at me. I look up at them, not even realizing I was just staring at the ground.


"You haven't said anything since we got here," Manuel reaches the blunt out towards me.

How do I tell them that the reason is Minnie? That she's the only thing I've been thinking about for the past 12 hours, no sleep.

I tried to go to sleep last night but I couldn't. I ended up calling over Daniela, we ended up having an argument, mid-sex, then she started throwing my shit all over my room.

Spent the rest of the night cleaning that shit up and I found this old bracelet I used to wear. Couldn't remember why. Minnie made it for me when we first started dating...

"Hello?" Manuel waves his hands infront of my face again, snapping me out of a trance I didn't know I was in.

"You wanna keep your hands?" I look up at Manuel and he immediately moves his hands away from my face.

"Are you good, mano?" Victor asks and I look at him. I nod my head and lean back taking hits from the blunt I forgot was in my hand.

A little, black Honda pulls up in front of my house. I try to look into the front window but they parked their door behind the tree.

They don't get out the car immediately so the boys and I stand up. The door opens and a little figure gets out of the car then moves from behind the tree looking at the 3 of us.

My heart drops into my stomach but I keep the stern look on my face.


This was a mistake, I shouldn't have gotten out. I shouldn't have parked. I should've drove right by.

No. I'm here for Cesar. I need to know if Cesar is okay....

Oscar looks good. Real good.


"Minnie?" Manuel says all excited and makes his way over to her. She looks good. Tired. But good.

"Hi Manny," she smiles at him as they embrace each other.

I don't think I can move. I slowly sit back down in my seat and continue to smoke the blunt. My brain needs it more than ever. Victor sits too so I hand it to him since he's next in rotation.

Damn he's fidgety.

"What're you doing here?" Manuel says looking down at her small frame. She's still so tiny..

You have no idea how hard it is for me to not go over there and just hug her. I go on my phone trying to ignore this

"Um...," she trailed off I can hear her messing with her keys, "i'm here to talk to Oscar."

My head shoots from my phone, Manuel looks back to me then back to Minnie. You can tell she's avoiding looking at me. I'm not mad at her.

"About what?" I say and her dark brown eyes look at me.

"Is Cesar home?" she asks moving her eyes to the house.

"He's with your cousin," I nod my head down the street.

She looks at Manuel before making her way onto my lawn stopping in front of me. I'm looking up at her since i'm sitting down.

"Is Cesar a Santo?"

The words that came out of her mouth made my blood run cold. I did what I had to do to protect him.

"Why is that your business?" I furrow my brows, kind of chuckling.

The expression on her face changes from neutral to angry in .5 seconds.

"Are you fucking serious Oscar?" she says raising her voice and squinting her eyes.

"What?" I make a face.

"Are you fucking stupid or something? Does this sound like a joke?!"

I stand up towering over her staring her in the eye but she doesn't move, "do you know who the fuck you're talking to?"

"Hey hey," Manuel butts in, "calm down."

"I don't give a fuck who you are!" she says stepping up to me, "Do you know how fucking stupid you sound?!"

"What I do with my little brother is none of your fucking concern."

"You know who you sound like?" she says through her teeth, I don't say anything, "your father."

I can feel the air around me just shut down. Manuel and Victor are staring at us not knowing how to stop the situation.

"He's a kid!" she yells at me, "now he's got no choice but to listen to his dimwit brother that put him in a gang!"

"I was a kid!" I get into her face, she leans back a little.

"You were 18! You could've left! You had a choice! I gave you the option to leave!" She yells at me and I fall silent.

She did. The night of my first kill, when I went to her house. We woke up in the middle of night, she asked me if I wanted to leave with her... take her scholarship money and go.

I couldn't do that to her, make her leave her entire life behind for me. She would've missed college. Finding a good guy and settling down at her own pace.

"He's 15..."

"You don't think I know that?" I say back to her.

I fucked up and I know I did, there's no denying that. But, I hate being told that I fucked up.

"Fix it."

"I can't," I say shaking my head.

She crosses her arms, "you think I don't know you're the leader of Los Santos now?"

"Yeah," I nod "I am but there are people above me."

"What?" she looks confused.

I roll my eyes, "Cuchillos."

I kind of missed arguing with her. Is that weird? She never hit me or threw my stuff all over, yea she called me names but she never went over something worse than "stupid".

I missed her.
Only updating Jumped In until I figure out what to do with the other.

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