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I walk up my front door step to hear screaming from my mom inside. The instant panic that set in makes me freeze for a second.

After just a few seconds of standing there, I burst through the doors to see my mom and Luca standing over a green duffel bag sitting on the couch.

"What's going on?" I ask now breathing heavily. Luca and my mom don't argue often, if ever.

Is he leaving?

"There was a bag full of thousands of dollars on the porch and your mom wants to keep it."

"I need it, Luca!"

"We don't even know where it came from Marie," he shakes his head speaking calmly. He rarely ever yells, I think that's what my mom likes about him most.

"I know and that's what matters!" She yells at him reaching for the bag but he snatches it up before she can grab it.

"Where'd it come from Mom?" I ask blankly.

She stares at me with a blank expression, "You don't need to know but it'll help me with my treatment. That's what matters."

Luca looks over at me, I glance over at him and then back to my mom.

"Where'd it come from, Mom?"



"I was telling him about the treatment I needed.." she starts to explain, "then this? It's not a coincidence."

"Great gang money," Luca rolls his eyes and turns around starting to walk into the kitchen. I'm assuming so he doesn't say anything rude or disrespectful.

"Mom you can't take money from him.." I trail off, fiddling with the keys in my hand.

"I didn't take it," she shakes her head "I told him no and then it showed up on our doorstep, this is a blessing, guys.."

There's a few seconds of silence before she speaks again.

"Nobody has this kind of money to help me," tears start to well in her eyes "I'm tired guys and I want to be here to watch you become a successful adult... Oscar is giving me that chance."

"If he has this type of money why is he still in Freeridge?" Luca pipes in from the kitchen doorway, now holding a glass of water.

They're both right. If he has this type of money couldn't he just leave? Move somewhere Santos hasn't even heard of? No. Because it's Oscar and he trapped himself here and gets mad at everyone else for his choices.

My mom shoots Luca a look before turning back to me, "Minnie..."

"Take the money, Mom."

"What!" Luca nearly drops his cup before rushing back into the living room.

"I agree with you Luca but if it's going to help my mom live at least a couple more years nothing else matters."

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now