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My mom's been packing for her trip ever since Oscar dropped the bag off. She used the money she was saving for the surgery to buy the plane tickets.

Luca and my mom left 2 days ago to meet up with her new doctor.

Luca has been trying to convince her not to go but she's so dead set on it.. It's crazy because Oscar and his family always did whatever they could to help my family since my mom always helped back.

It's always been like that and even with us being on bad terms he helped still.

I don't know why I'm thinking about him right now but I can't stop.

Everything has changed.

With Oscar having a baby on the way, even if it doesn't happen, I don't think I could stay. With her? absolutely not.

I'm going to meet Dre's kids today and I hope they like me. He says they're really nice but like all kids they can get out of hand.

I don't mind that at all though because I like kids. They remind me to slow down.

I wonder what would've happened if I did have Oscar's baby though.


Dre. Dre. Dre. Dre.

"Are you okay?" He speaks up from next to me. He reaches over from the drivers seat and grabs my knee.

I look down at his hand then grab it before looking up at him, "yea i'm just nervous."

Which is not a total lie.

"They're gonna love you," he squeezes my knee and looks at me for a second to assure me.

That's not what I'm worried about. I take a deep sharp breath and look out the passenger window.

We're on our way to his house, which i've rarely been to. He always told me that he'd take me there when his kids know me because that's their home too.

I understood completely.

My eyes travel to the emerald ring on my finger. That night replays in my head.

Can I just hold you?

Fuck. I hope I'm doing the right thing.


Word in Freeridge gets around fast. She's really going through with it.

She doesn't even realize who she's dealing with. The same man who set all this up is taking my girl.

She don't know what she's getting herself into. She thought she'd be better off with him but doesn't even know him.

Not like she knows me either anymore. I brought her to the point where she probably hates me, but this isn't about me. It's about that asshole Prophet who pretends he made it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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