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I sigh as I walk out to my porch. The butt of Oscar's car is all I can see as I watch it driving. Then it's gone. Maybe it wasn't even him?

I jump as my phone starts to ring in my pocket. I grab it and answer, "hello?"

"Min, what's the address again?" Luca's voice says over the phone "you said Freeridge right?"

He never liked the idea of us moving back to Freeridge. He even offered to help us pay for a house but we didn't feel right taking his money. Plus he's been dating my mom for like 6 months.

"Yea it's in our messages," I say and sit down on the front steps.

"Okay, I'm already on my way I should be there in like 10 minutes," I could tell he was on the road. He knew exactly where he was going and he's definitely not going to be here in 10 minutes. More like 5. He says it's because he likes to be early but it's odd.

"I'll wait for you then," I pick at my shorts. It's so hot outside it's making me not wanna go anywhere. But I need a job.

"You're about to leave? Where?" I could hear the annoyance in his voice but I roll my eyes. He thinks my focus should be only on my mom but I can't just do that, I have to take care of her financially too.

"I have to go look for jobs I have to find a way to pay for the house."

"I said I'd do that," he says. "That sucks," I reply chuckling "you shouldn't have to do that. that's what we've been saying."

"I know but still I ca-" I cut him off, "Luca, please."

He sighs over the phone and I close my eyes. The silence between us has always been weird but I push past it because he's a good guy. She deserves a good guy. I want her to have a good guy.

"Are you outside?"

"Yea," I open my eyes looking up, "on the porch."

"I think I see you." He says. What did I tell you? 5 minutes. A black Genesis pulls up in front of the house. The neighbors' kids stare in awe. God, I hate that car. He treats it like a person.

There was this one time we got into an argument in a parking lot about something. I got out and slammed the door, he didn't talk to me for a week and a half, I thought it was because of the argument but it was because 'you hurt Genesis so I was upset.' God, he's annoying about it.

I hope someone steals it.

I stand up and walk towards the car. He gets out with a big smile on his face, "honey, I'm home."

Oh god please shut up. I force out a giggle and he comes over to me and wraps his arms around me.

"This is the town you grew up in?" He lets go and looks around. I saw a hint of disgust on his face and that really struck my heart. This is where I grew up and as bad as this place might be, it's still my home.

"It's nice," he says with a smile. I force a smile then I lead him inside. He sets the bags that he was holding down onto the couch.

"I'll be back in like an hour," I grab my car keys off the table by the door "mom's in her room she needs her blood pressure pill in like an hour. Make sure she takes them with milk or something to eat."

"Got it," he nods. I sigh and walk outside straight to my car. I get in and lay my head on the wheel before starting the car. I raise my head up then drive off.


"You just fill this out and you can start Monday," the kind-faced lady behind the counter says as she hands me an application. I smile taking it from her, "thank you so much."

"Just be on time," her name is Flora. I nod and walk out to my car clenching the paper in my hand.

"Minnie?" a young male voice says behind me and I turn to see a familiar face. Cesar.

"I thought you moved to Brentwood?" his voice was deeper, he was taller, puberty hit my baby boy and I wasn't here to see it.

"I did," I step towards him and he looks me up and down as I do him. He dresses like a cholo, Oscar rubbing off on him no less. "I just moved back around the corner."

"You did?" a big smile spreads across his face. Pure excitement. I missed seeing that, it always made me smile. I watch as his smile slowly fades and he looks down at the ground.

"Are you okay?" I say and he looks up at me. "Oh, yeah I'm fine," he replies shaking his head "I just have to go.. Oscar's waiting for me."

Oscar. I look behind him to see the impala across the street. It was empty thankfully. He must be inside the barbershop. I wonder what he looks like. No. No, I don't. That's a lie. I could care less. Couldn't! I couldn't care less. Could I?

Fresh start.

"It was nice seeing you again Minnie," he says with a small smile before turning away and walking towards the impala. "You too," I quietly say then turn to my car.

It was good seeing him again, he's gotten older. Looks a little bit like Oscar did. I hear car doors shut behind me and I turn my head to only get a glance of the man I once called the love of my life. My heart feels warm as I watch the smiling Oscar get into his car. I most definitely could care less. I just wish I didn't..


End Of Chapter

I'm sorry guys. Long-awaited I know.

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