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"She went to your house?" Victor says and I nod.

"And she yelled at your dad?" Manuel says and I nod again.

"She's got some balls."

"It's kinda spooky," Victor laughs "she's like you when you're mad."

"That should be your new name," Manuel pats my back and I wince in pain "Shit sorry."

He takes his hand off my shoulder, I sigh.

"Spooky," Victor points to me "It suits you."

"I'm not worried about that right now," I softly rub my ribs "Minnie is pissed. She even left me on delivered. She usually just spams my phone."

"Oh, she mad mad?" Victor makes a face and I just nod.

"You're screwed."

"Propose, that makes everything better," Manuel says. He's serious.

Victor and I look at each other then back to Manuel. Sometimes I worry about what goes on in his poor head.

I have to go check on Minnie.


"Honey you need to calm down," my mom follows as I pace around the living room. I've been having a panic attack for well over 5 minutes and nothing has worked to calm me down, like normal.

I'm so upset with Oscar. Plans change? Plans change!? That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard of as an excuse.

There was a knock at the door and my mom hurriedly went to go open it.

"Oscar thank God," my mom sighs in relief "She won't calm down."

He looks over her shoulder at me as I just pace. He walks over and stands in front of me and I look at him while hyperventilating. Cesar stands with my mom watching me.

"Baby look at me," he takes my face in his hands making me look at him "Look breathe with me."

He starts to do the in through your nose out through your mouth thing. I try to do it with him but GOD I just want to punch his stupid face.

Oh my god. What if he dies? What will I do? What about Cesar? Victor? Manny? We were gonna move away, take Cesar if he wanted. He just had to figure his shit out. He figured it out alright but now it's gonna be impossible for him to end this cycle.

"Hey," he speaks again and I look at him. He doesn't say anything we just look at each other. I feel my heart slow to its normal pace and my breathing too.

"I'm right here," he wraps his arms around me, I wrap my arms around his arm as I slowly fall to my knees, he slowly comes down with me. We sit on the floor and I'm crying into his shirt.

"I'm not leaving you," he whispers into my ear "I could never. I'm doing this for us I promise. We're going to make this work and everything will be okay. Remember? You said that. So let everything be okay."

He rubs my back slowly if I didn't love him so much I would've lost my shit by now.

"I start doing drop-offs tomorrow," he rocks with me as I finish my crying "but we're going to make this work. I promise you that."

"I love you."

He plays in my hair just holding me on the ground. He's always been like this with me since we were little. I love him for that. The one who got me so riled up was also the only thing that could calm me down.

"I love you too," I whisper into his arm.


I took a shower and he sat on the toilet lid. I wrap my towel around me and step out of the shower.

"Do you feel better?" he stands up handing me a hair tie. I nod and take my hair into a ponytail then tie it.

"I got you your pajamas," he holds my clothes up in his hand "I took Cesar home. I'm gonna spend the night here okay?"

"I'm okay Oscar," I take the clothes and set them on the sink. I dry off then get dressed into them.

"I know," he grabs my hand pulling me to him "I just want to stay."

I nod and lay my head on his chest and I hear him try to cover a wince. My face looks concerned when I look up at him and he shakes his head.

"I'm okay," he intertwines our fingers and takes me to my room.

I lay down on my bed and he closes the door then plops next to me. He looks at me and then pulls me closer to him.

"What're we gonna do?" I say in kind of a whisper.

He sighs and rubs my back, "we're gonna make it."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I'm so tired.

I feel myself falling asleep and I let myself. I'm so tired. I hope he's right.


I wake up the next morning to nobody next to me. I hang my head over the side of my bed to see that his shoes are gone. My stomach starts to turn so I get up and run to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet. The stress is getting to me.

My phone is lying next to me so I grab it and wipe my mouth as I see a text from Oscar saying that he had to do drop-offs.

I hate this already. There are only a few more weeks of school left and Oscar is going to be busy all Summer. I'm calling it.

This is going to take a big toll on our relationship I can feel it like animals feel a storm coming.

Just don't let it be the end.

I look over and see a box of tampons. It hasn't been opened yet but I bought those over a month ago and my mom uses pads...
End of Chapter

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now