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I clean up the mess in the living room after Edgar left. He busted my lip and left bruises all over me just not my face. Oscar would never do that. I tried to end things with Edgar but he just hit me more.

I look out my window to see a bunch of people on Oscar's front lawn. He's home. I have to go see him. No. Edgar will hurt me if he figures out I went to go see him.

I have to see him though. I lied about being over him because if Edgar has heard he could've killed me.

Screw it.

Without thinking anymore I walk out of the house and slowly down the street. The group of cholo's surrounding him are cheering and laughing.

I reach the group and they look at me then Oscar. My eyes go to the tear drop on his face, my god.

Oscar's smiling and laughing then his eyes land on me and everything kind of fades away. He's different.

"Minnie," he says and my heart stops. Hearing his voice is so hard but I keep it together.

"Hi," I give a small wave, Victor and Manny look between us.

"You look good," he says and I nod.

"Thank you," My eyes stare at the tear drop and he notices. He looks away and so do I.

"Just wanted to say welcome home," I say as i gesture to his house then I turn away.

"What happened to your lip?" He calls out and I stop in my tracks.

"Bit it too hard," I say as my eyes fill with tears. Victor and Manny look at me then to each other, probably confused cause there's only seen me a couple hours ago.. I turned away from them so they can't see. I keep walking, why did I do that?


I watched her walk away, I should chase after her. Right? No. She hates me.

"Mijo!" I turn to my dad standing on the porch. He starts making his way to me.

"Welcome home Mijo," he grabs my face and kisses my cheek and I push him off wiping my face and he laughs "tomorrow night you and Edgar are going on a run."

"I just got home," I glare at him and he nods still smiling.

"That's why I said tomorrow estupida," He laughs turning away from me.

I hear loud rap music so I turn to see a green low rider coming up the street.

"Welcome Home Spooky!" Someone yelled from the car and everyone inside the car points guns out the window "Blood for blood!"

"Get down!" My dad yells and every starts scattering hiding as the prophets start shouting. I'm frozen crouched down watching everyone running.

Bullets are flying everywhere, Los Santos and the Prophet$ are shooting at eachother. My dad jumps infront of me then i'm splattered with blood.

The low rider speeds off and everything is silent. I look around, there's people screaming but everything is quiet. I look down, in front of me.

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now