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The gunshots happened right after I left. I heard everything from my house. I watched everyone leave, cops with ambulances come and go. Oscar and Cesar. There was nothing I could do.

My phone starts to ring and I look at it. It's Monse, she's facetiming me probably to figure out where Cesar is.

"Are you okay? Is Cesar alright? I heard all the gunshots and it sounded like it came from that direction. My dad won't let me out and Cesar isn't answering his phone."

"He's fine, Oscar took him somewhere before the cops arrived a little over an hour ago... A lot of people got hurt Monse."

I can hear that she's crying but she takes a deep breath.

"He's okay?" She asks and I nod "Where is he?"

I shrug "Call Ruby maybe he's there."

"Okay I love you," she says and hangs up.

Her love for him is how I pictured Oscar and me to be if we'd admitted our feelings sooner. Now it's their turn. I miss Oscar.

I wait by the window to watch for Oscar. I don't even know when he'll be home. I lay my head against the window and my eyes slowly shut.


I woke up to dark skies. A red impala drives by my house and into the driveway of the Diaz's. I get up and go run out my door, I speed walk to him.

"You're okay?" I say and he turns to me.

"Go home," he turns away from me shutting the car door  walking towards his house. There's blood splattered on his face and neck, oh my god is he shot?

"You have blood on you, Oscar," I say following him "did you get shot?"

"Spooky," he stops in front of his porch causing me to bump into him.


"My names Spooky," he says stern while turning to him.

"Oscar," I look him in the eyes, he's so different. Cold. He wasn't like this before ever, he pushed through his issues... Now I don't think he can.

"I didn't get shot," he says and walks up the stairs connected to the porch and I follow him.

"Is that from earlier," I say and he doesn't say anything "answer me."

"Why do you ask so many fucking questions?" His tone was harsh when he spoke to me. He turns to me and I just look at him.

"Is that all you know how to fucking do?" He moves closer to me and I back up. He's not the Oscar I fell in love with.

"What happened to you?" I say softly and he just laughs.

"I told you I was never getting out of this life," he shakes his head and unlocks the front door "now that my dad's gone I'm really never getting out."

It feels like I got punched in the stomach when he said that. Even though his dad and I never really got along when it came to Oscar, he was still a good man. Always looked out for his kids, his family... me. A father to me after mine left.

"Oscar I didn't know," I go to touch his arm but he pushes my hand away. I look down and tear up, "let me help you... then I'll go."

I can feel him looking at me, I can't walk away from him. Not now. He walks inside his house leaving the door open for me. I walk in and close the door behind me. I wipe my eyes as I follow him into the bathroom.

I watch as he sits on the edge of the bathtub. His gray shirt is covered in blood, I look up from the bloody slash in his shirt to his face. He's just staring at the ground.

"What happened?" I say and he looks up at me but doesn't say anything.

Whatever. I just won't ask anything there's no point.

"You have to take your shirt off," I say and open the cabinet behind the bathroom mirror and grab peroxide, gauze, and tape. He tries to take his shirt off but he groans in pain once he goes to lift it over his head.

"I can't," he shakes his head letting go of his shirt "my shoulder."

I turn to him and hesitantly help pull his shirt off of him. There's a cut on his shoulder, like someone tried to stab him.

I go to ask how but I just shut my mouth instead. I don't feel like being yelled at right now. The peroxide soaks onto the gauze as I pour it and then I dab it onto the wound, Oscar's eyes watch me.

"Why are you helping me?" He asks and I just shake my head.
"If I can't ask questions neither can you," I reply.

He chuckles and looks up at the ceiling as I continue to clean his wound, occasionally wincing from the pain. I turn around to grab a rag from the drawer under the sink and wet it with water. I start to clean off around where he'd been sliced.

"They came here because I came home," he says and I look at him "If I hadn't come home my dad would still be alive."

"There's no way you could've known that," I say as I look at the stab "it's not that deep, kind of just a hard scratch you'll be fine."

I can see him looking at me from the corner of my eye as I clean up, I turn around and put everything back in the cabinet. When I close the cabinet door I make eye contact with him through the mirror.

"I'm sorry," he says softly and I look down "I didn't mean to yell at you... or leave."

"But you did," I turn to him and lean against the sink "you can't change that."

He looks down, when I walk out he picks his phone up and calls someone. I go to his room and look around for a bit. It feels weird to be in here. The last time I was in here we talked about him joining Los Santos. I go to his closet and grab a shirt for him then walk back down the hallway, when I turn the corner for the bathroom I stop dead in my tracks when I see a man standing in the bathroom doorway.

My heart drops and I almost instantly start to tear up. The man standing in the doorway of the turns to look at me and I slowly proceed walking. His eyes stay on me as I make my way into the bathroom. I slowly hand the shirt to Oscar without looking at him, "I have to go." My voice breaks and I rush out of the bathroom. Then the house.

I'm going to die.

End of Chapter

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