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Baby Dre💞
I love you
I'm sorry I've been MIA I had to do a lot of thinking and I think we should meet up..
delivered 3:07 PM

I don't want to hurt Dre again but I'm only going to hurt him more if I stay.

my car was fixed yesterday but I work today if you want to stop in at Dwayne's
I have to talk to you too
delivered 3:10 PM

Baby Dre💞
okay i'll meet you there

I pull my hair into a ponytail and grab my apron off my bed. It's so hot today that I wouldn't be surprised if all the power went out. When it gets hot like this in Freeridge everybody likes to crank their air all the way up and since we live in the shitty area of the county the county officials don't put money into making the town better.

I have no hope of Oscar forgiving me but all I can think about is Dre telling me he doesn't want to be with someone who's stuck on their ex. Which is fair but unfortunately, I am that someone. He doesn't deserve that.


I sit down at the table in my dining room as Daniela throws a fit. I watch as a cup flies past my head and breaks on the wall behind me.

"Man can you cut that shit out," I yell at her from across the room.

"Fuck you!"

She caught me in the middle of getting head from her friend, Leanna. When she came in she kicked her ass and then threw her off my porch.

I'm so used to this by now that this shit doesn't even phase me anymore. It's just annoying, she's like a little ass kid man.

I look at the table and start rolling a blunt.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" She yells at me kicking the table.

"GOOD!" I stand up slamming my hands down, "THEN LEAVE! I don't even fuck with you bro you're just an easy fuck."

She stops mid-tantrum to stare me down, and then picks up a chair and throws it at me. I duck down then take a step towards her causing her to stumble backwards.

"You realize what could happen to you right? Keep doing this shit and you're gonna find out."

"Fuck you Spooky!" She shoves me back before grabbing her bag and rushing out of the house.

I wipe my face then turn around and pick up the chair she threw putting it back in its place. I sit back down and finish rolling the blunt before going outside and sitting on the step of my porch.

I went Cesar out to go cover up some Prophet tags in Santos territory.

I see a black pick up truck pull up as I light the dutch. Victor and Manny get out of the car and make their way to me.

"Ayee what's up mano," Manny daps me up as he sits beside me. Victor follows shortly behind plopping onto the broken down couch I have in the front yard.

"Where y'all been at?" I ask taking a few puffs then passing the blunt to Manny.

Victor shoots a look at Manny, Manny looks at Victor then back to me.

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