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"Spook did you hear," Victor hits my shoulder and I look at him through the rear view mirror "There's a fine ass hyna that moved up the street. Maybe you can get some chocha before you start fucking with that bitch again."

"Ew you're gonna get back with Daniela?" Cesar asks. Not that I want to but she gives good head and I ain't giving that up just cause she's a bitch.

"Why don't you mind your own business, mano," I glance at Cesar before noticing his old friends. They're with Monse she must be back from wherever the hell she was.

Can't believe he bagged that, claimed her. The little shit. All because I said she was gonna get hot cause it runs in the family. Dick thinks I wanna get at her but she's only 14, I ain't gonna play it like that though.

Monse runs in front of my car making slam the breaks. I stick my head out the window and yell out at her, "Hey, you crazy?" She walks up to my side of the car and leans forward to look into the car. Breasts on full display. I can't even look away they're right in my face.

"I just wanted to let Cesar know I was back in town," she says looking between us, Victor and Manuel, who are in the back.

"And looking like a fine ass hyna," kinda true. She's starting to look like.. Never mind.

"An underage hyna," she says back.

"Not for some," I look at Cesar and hit his leg softly but he still doesn't look. I look back at Monse, "It's all good, you just look a little different. What is it?"

She does look different but I can't pinpoint it. "My boobs?" she glares as Victor and Manuel laugh behind me.

"Nah," I raise my head a bit focus on her teeth "you got your braces off." My eyes go down to her chest then I start laughing before driving off. Cesar hates me, he has for like 4 years now, I can't change that.

Not sure if I even want him to. He hasn't really spoken to me since he got Jumped In. That's okay, he'll get over it. I did.


I pull the car into the driveway and I get out. I pull my seat up so the guys can get out from the back. Once they've climbed out I push it back then look at the house across the street.

"You know what? We're gonna get you laid," Manuel says grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. I look at him and he smiles so I just shake my head with a little smile then walk off.

"He needs it," Victor says carrying the bag full of Coronas. "He's been away for 2 years of course he needs it," Manny laughs.

I plop down on the couch sitting out front of my house. Victor sits on a crate next to the couch and hands me a forty. I watch as Cesar sits down on the other side of the couch.

"You've been extra quiet," I say to him and he just looks at me. Probably because of the thing with Monse but he wouldn't tell me that.

"What's wrong with you?" I grab a can of Corona and I hand it to him.

"Nothing," he shakes his head and opens the can before taking a sip.

"It's something," Manuel says as he rolls a blunt. I look at him then back to Cesar. He wants to tell me something I can see it all over his face, I open my bottle and start drinking. I've missed alcohol.

"Minnie is back," he blurts out. I stop as the bottle touches my lips then continue drinking. Victor and Manuel both look at each other then Cesar then me. I keep a blank face.

I'm kind of excited she's back. I'm not going to make an effort to see her because I'll only hurt her again. Especially now.

"What do you mean she's back?" Victor says nervously looking at me then back to Cesar. Manuel stopped rolling to listening but I need that blunt now more than I did before.

I reach over and take it from him ignoring all the words said around me. This is just an aggravating situation. I've been out for 6 weeks and I'm still cleaning up from what my men fucked up while I was away, now Minnie's back?

"Spook? Oscar?" I look up at Cesar then Victor and Manuel, they're all staring at me "you're not gonna say anything?"

"What's there to say?" I shrug and finish rolling as I lean back. I light the blunt and start hitting it "she's back? Good for her?" I shrug.

"That's it? You went on a rampage for 3 months after she moved away and now it's good for her?" Manuel says and I shrug handing the blunt to Cesar.

"I'm over her, it's been 4 years you think I'd wait for someone that I didn't know was even coming back?" They're all looking at me except Victor. He's quiet.

A little silver car pulls up in front of my house and instantly all the guys groan. Daniela gets out of the car and rushes over to me with her face squished angrily. I get off the couch and walk towards her and once I'm in front of her she smacks me.

"So it's true? You've been back a month!" She yells at me and I look down at her. My face is stinging but I don't feel like getting into with her so I'm not gonna say anything about it.

"I had to figure shit out," I say and she just stares up at me with her arms crossed.

"You're not going to get better than me and you know that," she says and I roll my eyes. I already had better than you.. and she's back.

End Of Chapter

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now