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It's 8 pm and I've been out here since like 3. I was supposed to just do a couple drop-offs but now my dad has me dealing.

He said I need to experience, said I should've started sooner like he did.

"Yo pendejo," the guy my dad has me dealing with has been bugging me this whole time. He's testing my patience. I think his names, Edgar.

"Don't call me that," I look at him and he throws his hands up.

"You still nervous? You think you gon get shot at?" He nudges me and I just blankly look at him.

"I'm chillin," I turn away from him and look at my lock screen of Minnie and me to stop me from punching this guy.

"That your hyna?" He says leaning over my shoulder.

"Can you back the fuck up?" he laughs as he backs away.

"Your girl right?"

"Yea," I put my phone back in my pocket.

"She's pretty."

"I know," I look at him "and?"

"You claim her yet?"

"Claim her?" I watch as he takes the blunt from behind his ear and lights it.

He blows out smoke, "Yea claim her. You let everyone in Los Santos know she's yours so no one can try to push up."

"Everyone already knows," I shake my head.

"I didn't," he leans towards reaching the blunt out to me "I didn't claim my last girl, then she got ran through by most of Los Santos."

I look at him, I have to claim her. I'm not letting anyone touch her.

I take the blunt he's holding and smoke some, we pass it back and forth until it's gone.

A green low rider pulls up slowly and Edgar grabs the gun tucked in his belt. The car slowly passes as the driver and passenger stare at us from the window.

I knew how to use a gun but I never did. Never had to. Never want to.

"What the fuck just happened?" I turned to Edgar.

"Prophet$," he sits back down "they've been sizing the block up for weeks. You got a gun?"

I shake my head and he hands me his, "keep it on you. Always."

I nod and tuck it into my belt. Minnie. What is Minnie going to do if she finds a gun on me? She'll kill me. This is going to be so hard.


I run into my room and start looking for a place to put this fucking gun. Minnie is about to come over and I haven't found a place for it.

I fall to my knees by my bed and feel under it, I feel a type of shelf from my bed frame and I put it there.

"What're you doing?" she giggles as she walks in then closes the door.

I jump up and force a smile, "I was looking for something I dropped but I can't find it."

"Oh okay," she plops onto my bed and it doesn't fall. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I lay beside her and put my head on her stomach wrapping my arms around her waist. She starts rubbing my head, "my cousin thinks Cesar is cute."

"What?" My head looks up at her and she laughs "which cousin?"

"Monse," she continues to rub my head so I close my eyes "she's friends with him, ruby and Jamal. She lives down the street."

"It'd be funny if they end up together," I nuzzle my head on her.

"oh also..." she stopped rubbing my head and I can feel how fast her heartbeat is then she takes a deep breath "my period is late."

My heart just fell into my asshole. I lift myself up to look at her and she looks so scared.

"What do you mean?" I move so I'm sitting up fully.

"It's been over a month since I was supposed to get my period," her eyes fill up with tears and I pull her up to me and hug her.

"If I'm pregnant my mom is going to kill me," she chokes on her tears then starts sobbing.

"She already doesn't like me," I'm gonna try to lighten the mood so I kinda laugh "she'll literally kill me."

She lets out a laugh through her tears when she looks at me "I'm sorry..."

"For what? This isn't your fault and if you are... pregnant. We got this." I kiss her head and bring her closer to me.

My dad's gonna fuck me up. He's going to beat my ass.

"Should we go like buy a test or something?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"I have two on me... I wanted to wait for you. I'm scared." She says as I wipe her tears.

"We got this. I promise."

I stand up then pull her with me to the bathroom and I sit on the side of the bathtub. She takes the test out of her bag and sits on the toilet.

She pees on the sticks and sets them on the sink. The toilet flushes and I pull her into my lap as we stare at the tests.

5 minutes. That tells us whether she's pregnant or not. 5 minutes is all it takes? This feels like forever. I tap my foot and she plays with the hair on the back of my head.

She's so nervous, she's shaking. The alarm on my phone goes off and Minnie looks at me, scared. She gets up and then the bathroom door opens and my dad's standing there. Shit.

Minnie freezes and he looks between us then slowly his eyes go to the tests on the sink. Anger plays on his face when he looks at me. He's going to kill me.

"ven aqui ahora." he walks out of the bathroom. He's too calm.

I look at Minnie when I get up and she watches as I walk out of the room. As soon as I reach my dad he smacks me upside my head.

"Eres estúpido?" His voice is calm but I can tell he's not "what if she's pregnant? Huh? What're you going to do? You're supposed to be handling Los Santos shit!"

"I'm pregnant." We both turn to Minnie standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

End of Chapter

Jumped In ~ Oscar Diaz (Active)Where stories live. Discover now