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I go to say thank you but she was already out of the room. I look up at Edgar who was staring in her direction. He slowly turns to face me and his face was completely blank.

"Was that Minnie?" He says pointing his thumb towards the hallway.

"Yea," I nod and slowly put my shirt on. The pain is so bad that I groan the entire time.

"I thought you guys broke it off like 5 months ago," There was a hint of anger in his tone but I shrug it off.

"She was helping me," I say picking my dirty shirt off the toilet seat "she was there literally a minute before the Prophet$ rolled up."

"She was?" He says through his teeth and I look at him confused.

"Yea... You straight?" I ask as I walk past him.

"Oh yea I'm great just tired," he puts on a smile but something is off with him "I'm gonna head out the stuff you asked for is in the living room."

He dabs me up then walks out of the house. That was weird, I watch as he walks out of my house. I wait to hear his car engine rev but it doesn't. I walk to the window and watch as he walks across the street then towards Minnie's house. What the fuck's going on?

I walk out of my house and stand on my porch as I watch him walk straight into Minnie's house. Are you for fucking real? This is the guy that told me not to fuck shit up with her and then he's gonna end up with her? I'll kill him. My blood boils as I walk towards Minnie's house when I hear arguing from inside I stop. That's not arguing, he's yelling at her.

I stand in front of her house, I can't see anything from the window cause the curtains are in the way. I slowly walk up to her porch as I listen to him yelling at her.

"I knew you were going to go over there! I fucking knew it! You just can't let him go! He doesn't fucking want you! What were you thinking?! That you could just waltz right up in there and act like his bitch again!? I thought I already taught you a lesson, do I have to teach you another one!" He yells at her, she doesn't say anything. My skin feels hot, this isn't right.

A loud slap echoed out the door and she lets out a yelp. I run inside to see Minnie on the floor holding her face.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I yell as I go along with my first instinct to tackle him.


I stand up watching as Oscar and Edgar fight on my living room floor.

"Stop!" I yell through my tears at them trying to break them apart. They're running into everything and knocking pictures and crosses off the walls.

My mom runs into the house, "What the hell is going on!?" She yells as she drops her work bag on the ground. Oscar stops and looks at her when Edgar presses down on his wound with his thumb. Oscar screams then punches Edgar right square in the middle of his face knocking him out.

Oscar gets off of Edgar and puts his hand on his shoulder looking at me.

"Is he where that busted lip came from?" He says pointing his finger at Edgar and I don't do anything, "Minnie what the fuck?"

"You let him hit you?" My mom says as she tears up "why didn't you tell me?"

"He said he'd kill me if I broke up with him," I start sobbing as they look at me.

"I'm going to take care of him," Oscar says as he walks away calling someone.

"Why would you stay with him, honey," Mom walked closer to me and touches my face causing me to wince in pain.

"He said he had people in there that could hurt Oscar while someone hurt you out here," I could barely get that out and she wraps her arms around me.

"Shh," she said in my ear as she rubs my back.


"What're you going to do with him?" I say as Manny and another guy called Sad Eyes puts Edgar in the back of the Impala.

"Kill him," Sad Eyes says "dip him in acid, get rid of it."

"Dude shut up," Manny says shaking his head "don't tell her that shit."

"What? She asked," he shrugs and then gets in the back seat shutting the door behind him.

"Sorry, he's... we worry about him," Manny says and laughs a bit and I smile.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I nod.

"Yea I'm okay," I kind of smile and he frowns.

"I feel so stupid now," He kicks the dirt under his feet "It's been months and I didn't see it. All the hugs you refused when he was around. I mean you love my hugs. And the bruises. All the damn bruises. I should've known."

"It's not your fault I didn't tell you," I shake my head and grab his shoulders making him look at me.

"But I promised Spooky I'd protect you while he was gone," I feel like I heard him say that but I didn't really hear him. Why are they calling him Spooky?

"What are you talking about?" I say when I hear footsteps on the porch.

"Minnie can I talk to you," I hear Oscar say once he reaches the bottom step. I turn around and look at him then Manny gets in the car.

I walk over to him with my arms crossed loosely across my chest.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he nods.

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend," he says then rubs his face. He's mad, not at me. At least I think.

"I didn't tell anyone," I rub my wrists "not even mom."

"why not this could've been stopped," he says and I just look at him.

"Oscar I really don't want to talk about that stuff," I let out a breath slightly shaking my head.

"okay fine," we stand there silently for a minute then he looks down.

"what?" I ask and he shakes his head "no what?"

He looks me in my eyes, "I missed you."

End of Chapter

I kinda like this book better than Valley Girl.. oops

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