chapter 22 The car drive

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He said yes !!!! Yes he did I got lost when he did .....all I wanted was to get out and cry shout . I don't know the tears were of the sadness or of the happiness that I was about to get .

The voices all around me surrounded me my face got all pale . " any problem beta ??" said dadi that's when I again looked at him and saw his fully concerned face . I smile immediately as to
depress my emotions .

" nothing to worry dadi , actually I have leave for the hospital as there is some emergency.  I'm sorry " to this she gave a sympathetic sigh and said " you don't have to say sorry dear . We appreciate and respect your work . Raghav very well knows what is he signing for ..... so don't worry . Freshen up if you want he will drop you . "

Saying this we looked at each other
" it's okay Dadi I also have to drop my parents at home . It is fine I will manage ." I said

" it's okay beta don't worry about them well have some talks about the function of the marriage and the my chauffeur will drop them home so don't worry about them. You go otherwise you will be late ." I sighed and nodded with a weak smile.

Sighing in we sat in the car. It is damn awkward because none of us actually initiated any conversation.  I could feel He was pissed seeing his hold on the steering wheel . But then I ignored it and started to look outside the window . After some time things got relaxed . The silence was something which brought peace, a strange calmness was wrapped in this silence . I wanted to wrapped in it for an eternity . A smile came on my face . I tried to glance at him. I think he noticed my smile but his face , it was masked as if there was nothing to show . How can someone remain like this for so long ???? You also have called my inner voice.

Then the car halted which made me come out my thoughts " The hospital is here . " He said . I started to collect my purse which was kept at the backseat when I saw the suitcase . He realised  and then he spoke " I'm going to NY for some work i will be there for some time until the work gets over so this bag ." That's when I saw his outfit simple casual sleek and handsome.  He could get any girl drool over him whenever and wherever he want . But why me why did he chose me if he had so many options . He was damn handsome such like a fictional man directly landed out of the book . The softness he had like he was so damn concerned about you like he would do anything just to see a smile but the hold And the anger was so fierce that he could also burn everything alive if it meant to.

" what about the car ? " . I said meekly . " the driver will pick it up from the airport ." I slowly nodded . " what about dadi?? " .it's when he looked at me for the first time during our ride .
" What about her ?? " he questioned . " IS she going to stay alone for the whole time "

"Yes she is . I wanted to take her but she does not like to travel usually my sister comes here . But this time she is also out of station . " I just hummed . " do you want me to check on her i will  be here only . "

To this he smiled making me baffled " Doc before two days you were the one who didn't want to make this marriage happen . Till today you were focing me to say no  . So what happened all of the sudden that you showed your concern towards me amd My dadi. Anyways leave it it's okay i don't want to know the reason beacuse it will as usual be one your stupid excuses which I'm in no mood for . And yes you don't have worry about her . I have a 24/7 hr people around her to take care of her  so I don't want you to go just beacuse you have to as a future wife of mine . Neither now not ever i will put that compulsion on you , you can go and meet her if you want to it will be solely your choice . No need to showcase your efforts if you don't feel them. It will be for the best for all of us ." 

" why do you say that ??? " I rebelled . Suddenly the air could breathe a war was going to happen right here." This is beacause the efforts that come naturally have warmth in them that the compulsion can never bring in . So yes ; you do only because you want to no because you have to "

To this I  smiled and said " then what about the marriage Mr. Raghav dont this rules also apply there ?? "

To this he smiled ans said " yes doc it does apply but for that but  you have to speak up for yourself ."

" then why do agree . You wanted to marry me ??? You like me ??? " I then realised I spoke a wrong thing at a wrong place . But I wanted to ask . I wanted someone to want me once .

" No I  don't.  I agreed for this marriage because i realised you are not  like most of the girls I met . My Dadi wants me to get married . I have never disrespected her wish or her choices for me . I also was  not intending to get married right now but then she wants me too . She has always done a lot for me .  From all those girls I met you were the most self respecting woman I could sense that is why even if the our  marraige will be without our concent  but still we can respect each other and if it does not work out then  for surely we can atleast respect each other's choice while parting our ways . So this is why i agreed to marry you . "

My heart could not summarize was he just told now . Should I be happy that he respects me or should I be sad that he doesn't want me ..... he will never want you !!!! No one can !! Mocked my inner Chaos. " Goodbye , have a safe journey!!! " I went out with a mere smile on my face because I felt suffocated after listening to his side of story.....I just could not handle one more no .... tears had brimmed  my eyes .

I didn't know what was going to happen but one thing I was sure of that he does not want this marriage as much as me !!!!may be there is a chance of him leaving me  just like others do  I didn't glance back beacause I could not but i could here him say is " See you soon angel ..... " He thought I didn't listen him but I heard you wouldn't ever call me that once you realise how much darkness do i hold  Mr . Raghav ........

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